
(sharon) #1



Martin Nebelong brings a world to life using Dreams, a virtual reality

video game for PlayStation 4, where anything is possible!

We live in a time where
the tools available to
artists are constantly
evolving at a rapid rate
of knots. Artificial
intelligence and machine learning
can help us in our work, and we have
virtual reality tools that enable us
walk around and work in our own
sculpts and paintings. Here, I’ll show
you how to make art on your
PlayStation 4. It’s a concept that still
sounds a little strange to me, but one
that works surprisingly well!

I first heard about the software
Dreams when I watched a developer
talk at Umbra Ignite in 2015 by Alex
Evans. Alex is the co-founder of the
Sony-owned company Media
Molecule, which made the hit title
Little Big Planet. Dreams is a
continuation of some of the ideas
present in Little Big Planet, in which
players build levels and content for
the game. Dreams expands on this
theme, with an even wider scope of
what’s possible to build in the
software. You’re basically provided

with all you need to create games,
illustrations or even full-length
movies either from scratch or with
some of the content that’s shared by
other creators. All this is packaged
into a video game-like experience
that’s very user-friendly.
If you haven’t done so already,
I recommend that you go through
and finish all the basic tutorials in
Dreams, before tackling this
workshop. I’m using Move controllers
in this tutorial, which I think work
better than the DualShocks.


Visualise my idea
I start out with a rough concept in
Photoshop. My idea for this piece is to build a
diorama-like environment that showcases
what a wizard’s quirky hideaway might look
like. In this case, we have a f loating rock, with
a small house and garden on it. The style of
the scene is inspired by my childhood
readings of classic European comic books
such as Asterix and The Smurfs.


Mocking up the scene
Time to boot up the PS4. The first thing we want to do in Dreams is to get the large shapes
right before even considering going into details. I use the basic Cube Stamp tool set to Smear
and paint in the shape of the large f loating rock. I switch between Add and Subtract by bumping
the top of the left motion sensor against the bottom of the right one.

Dreams & Photoshop

See page 8 now!

Martin is a Danish
freelance artist and the
artistic director of
MasterpieceVR. He’s
made it his duty to
explore new ways of
making art... on a gaming
console for example!



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