
(sharon) #1


Building the house
When it comes to creating architecture in Dreams, you’ll often need to use the
Guide tools. In this case I’m using the Upright Guide, which makes sure that my
shapes are just that: upright! I’m still making things loosely, knowing that I’ll refine
everything later. I use mostly the Square tool for this step, and I change the shape as
I go along by bumping the top of each motion sensor against each other.


Painting the floating rock
Once I’m happy with the overall shape of the rock I can go in and add a bit of colour and colour variation to make the shape look more
interesting. I use the Spray Paint tool for this, and you can find this tool when in Sculpting mode under the Tools category. Play around with the
Opacity and Soft Blend settings in this mode, and experiment with different tool shapes and with painting from inside the model and out.


More sketching
The inhabitant of the house needs a place to go and
read spell books without any interruption, so I make a
small house for this and other more natural needs at the
little cliff to the side of the main rock. I sculpt this using
basic tools, and then sculpt a small tree next to it. I use the
Curve tool and use the Edit Shape function to produce a
suitable shape for the trunk and branches. For the foliage,
I just use a big Round Clay brush and squash the shape a
bit by first bumping the top of both controllers against
each other and then tweaking the shape.


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