Los Angeles Times - 08.09.2019

(vip2019) #1


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TEHRAN — In a move
that analysts said is aimed
at amping up the pressure
on European powers to sal-
vage the landmark 2015 nu-
clear treaty and ease the im-
pact of U.S. economic sanc-
tions that accompanied
President Trump’s with-
drawal from the interna-
tional accord, a senior Irani-
an government official an-
nounced Saturday that Iran
would speed up its uranium
enrichment activities. The
action marked the third and
most serious move by Iran to
back off from the agreement
signed by seven nations.
Behrouz Kamalvandi, a
spokesman for Iran’s Atom-
ic Energy Organization, said
the Islamic Republic has ac-
tivated a chain of advanced
centrifuges and added that
European signatories of the
deal — Britain, Germany
and France — need to
quickly back up a promise to
secure financial relief from
the 2018 U.S. sanctions.
“These steps are revers-
ible if the other side fulfills its
promises,” Kamalvandi said
at a news conference broad-
cast by Iran’s state televi-
American and Iranian
analysts said Tehran is seek-
ing to counter Trump’s
economic pressure cam-
paign, which has crippled
Iran’s economy.
“We are still far from a
scenario where they would
rush to make a bomb
quickly,” said Ariane
Tabatabai, an associate po-
litical scientist at the Rand
Corp. think tank in Wash-
ington, “but the Europeans
have been unable to deliver

what Iranians want because
their efforts are stymied by
the U.S.”
Kamalvandi said that the
Atomic Energy Organiza-
tion of Iran has begun using
20 IR-6 centrifuges and
an additional 20 IR-4 centri-
fuges, accelerating the coun-
try’s ability to increase
its stockpile of enriched
uranium on an industrial
Doing so, experts said,
reduces the amount of time
needed for Tehran to stock-
pile the fissile material
needed to build a nuclear
weapon — if authorities
chose to do so. For years, Ira-
nian officials have said they
have no intention of building
a nuclear weapon and that
their nuclear program is
Although the signatories
of the nuclear deal — also in-
cluding China and Russia —
have largely upheld their
side of the agreement,

Trump’s withdrawal from
the treaty and imposition of
“secondary sanctions” have
made it difficult for Western
signatories to help ease the
financial impact.
Trump withdrew from
the deal in May 2018, despite
the ongoing conclusions of
U.N. inspectors that Tehran
was complying with the ac-
cord meant to keep it from
developing the capacity to
build nuclear weapons.
Trump claims the accord
is a “disastrous one-sided
deal” and said it hasn’t
stopped Iran from engaging
in “malign activity.”
Administration officials
contend that their so-called
maximum-pressure cam-
paign is working and will
force Iran back to the negoti-
ating table in order to agree
to heavier monitoring of its
nuclear activities, remove
clauses in the accord that
would lift limits on Tehran’s
ability to enrich uranium in

several years, and curb
Iran’s military power and its
support of militant groups
in the Middle East.
Iran began backing away
from the nuclear deal in May
when President Hassan
Rouhani announced on na-
tional TV that the country
would allow its stockpile of
low-enriched uranium to
surpass a 660-pound limit.
Rouhani added that
Tehran would reduce its
commitments every 60 days
unless the Western signato-
ries helped protect Iran from
U.S. sanctions against sales
of oil — the country’s main
source of income — which
have fallen 80%.
As European leaders
scrambled to work out a
deal, Iranian authorities an-
nounced in July that the
country would violate the
accord for a second time by
producing uranium at a 5%
enrichment level.
(Under the agreement,

Iran is allowed to stockpile
no more than 660 pounds,
with a less than 4% concen-
tration of U-235.)
European efforts to save
the deal have been stymied
by the severe U.S. restric-
tions on Iran’s banking and
financial institutions, which
have made it difficult for the
international community to
do business with Iran.
France has nonetheless
stepped up efforts, but min-
imal progress has been re-
At the Group of 7 econo-
mic summit in France last
month, Trump and other
leaders set off speculation
that the U.S. was planning a
presidential summit with
Iran. But Rouhani sug-
gested the next day that
such a meeting would be
pointless unless the U.S.
first lifted sanctions.
Tabatabai said that while
Iranian authorities under-
stand that the status quo

isn’t sustainable, its incre-
mental steps of backing
away from the deal helps
Tehran buy time before up-
coming parliamentary elec-
tions and the U.S. presi-
dential election.
“There is an understand-
ing that Trump may be
elected ... then they will have
to negotiate with Trump,
but if not Iran will have lever-
age with a Democrat in of-
fice,” Tabatabai said. “Iran
has limited tools it can play
with and that’s why it has
taken more minor incremen-
tal steps.”
Iran’s most recent breach
of the nuclear deal came as
European leaders mull over
an initiative suggested by
France that would grant
Iran a $15-billion credit line.
Iranian government spokes-
man Ali Rabiee told report-
ers that negotiations have
resulted in progress, but
there’s still a long road
Tabatabai said Europe’s
efforts have also been made
difficult because the Trump
administration believes pro-
viding Tehran with an econ-
omic lifeline would under-
mine its pressure.
Other analysts said
Iran’s strategy runs the risk
of backfiring.
Feraydoune Majlesi, an
analyst based in Tehran,
said he worried that Iran’s
diminishing commitment to
the nuclear accord is coun-
terproductive because its
rhetoric could push Europe-
an leaders toward the side of
the U.S.
“In diplomacy we must
give and take. Iran is threat-
ening and using ultima-
tums,” Majlesi said, adding
that “the step-by-step di-
minishing of the commit-
ment of the nuclear deal is
not serving the national in-
terests of Iran.”

Special correspondent
Mostaghim reported from
Tehran and staff writer
Etehad from Los Angeles.

Iran plans to speed uranium enrichment

It’s the country’s most

serious move so far

to back down from

the nuclear accord.

IRANIAN PRESIDENTHassan Rouhani, right, shown with chief of Iran’s nuclear technology organization
Ali Akbar Salehi, has been pressing European powers to help secure financial relief from U.S. sanctions.

Iranian Presidency

By Ramin Mostaghim
and Melissa Etehad

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