2019-09-01 In The Moment

(C. Jardin) #1

10 CalmMoment.com

good news

*Uplifting stories, ideas and inspiration from around the world


usician Lotte Mullan suffers from
anxiety, and her first-hand
experience of how mindfulness can
help has inspired her latest project. “I had
sessions with a neurolinguistic
psychotherapist called Martin Weaver to
help me let go of my anxiety by putting me
into a relaxed, tranced state. I thought it
would be amazing if that could be broken
down into smaller chunks and available to
everyone,” she explains. The project, Calm
Collective, is a collaboration with Martin
and actress and mindfulness practitioner
Victoria Grove, creating albums using music
and words to bring ‘mindfulness therapy’
to everyone. Visit calmcollectivemusic.com

Team building with a twist

“Knitting in a group is a wonderful

way to connect and motivate each

other to overcome self-limiting beliefs,”

says Sophie Thimonnier, passionate

knitter and founder of Heartknit

(heartknit.com), which offers

mindful workshops to businesses in

New York and LA. Not US-based?

Set up your own creative skill share!

Soothing sounds

Singer-songwriter Lotte
Mullan designed her
compositions to lower the
heart rate and calm the mind.
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