
(Rick Simeone) #1
Name Resolution Abbreviation Scanning Frame
Rate (fps)
Full HD 1920 X 1080 1080p Progressive 24
Full HD 1920 X 1080 1080p Progressive 25
Full HD 1920 X 1080 1080p Progressive 30
Full HD 1920 X 1080 1080p Progressive 50
Full HD 1920 X 1080 1080p Progressive 60
Full HD 1920 X 1080 1080i Interlaced 50
Full HD 1920 X 1080 1080i Interlaced 60
HD Ready 1280 X 720 720p Progressive 24
HD Ready 1280 X 720 720p Progressive 25
HD Ready 1280 X 720 720p Progressive 30
HD Ready 1280 X 720 720p Progressive 50
HD Ready 1280 X 720 720p Progressive 60
UHD 3840 X 2160 2160p Progressive 24
UHD 3840 X 2160 2160p Progressive 25
UHD 3840 X 2160 2160p Progressive 30

Table 1: HDTV Standards

Not very long ago, if you had gone on a
vacation and if you wanted to take stills
as well as movies, you had to carry two
pieces of equipment — a still digital
camera (perhaps a D-SLR) and a video
camera. All that has changed, in fact
quite drastically, when Nikon introduced
the D90 which was the first D-SLR with
built-in video recording. Since then many
technological advances have occurred,
and excellent video capability is built
into every ILC (Interchangeable
Lens Camera, that is a D-SLR or a
mirrorless camera). In fact it is now a
part of the standard feature set that is
taken for granted.

Unfortunately, surveys show that few
still photographers, even serious ones,
take cognisance of video features that
are in their ILCs though they have paid
for them! This is a pity because modern
ILCs are capable of very high quality
video capture, far better than the earlier
video cameras. The reason for this is
not hard to understand. Video, as it
popularly said, is a ‘different ball game’!
It has its own terminology, menus and
parameters that you need to understand
and master. The setup is very different
from that of still photography.

We at Smart Photography always aim to
make things simple without confusing
readers with arcane details and jargon.
We hope to repeat this with our coverage
on video capture (or videography) with
ILCs. In this article, we wish to introduce
to you the process of video capture
and the various parameters you need
to know before you set up your ILC for
video capture.

Frame rate
This is a self-explanatory term and states
how many frames are recorded and
subsequently shown (say on a TV) in a
second. It is specified as ‘fps’, which is
the abbreviation for ‘frames per second’.

Now, let us see how continuous motion
is achieved. The truth is that the sense
of smooth motion is created due to our
perception. The motion you see on a
TV or in a theatre is made of several
still images (called frames), each taken
sequentially one after another. So, each
frame is one slice of time and thus will
be slightly different from the preceding
frame (unless you are taking a movie
of a perfectly still scene in which case

each frame will be the same). When
these sequential still images are shown
‘sufficiently fast’, then we will get an
impression of continuous smooth
motion. Why so? It is due to two
important phenomena called persistence
of vision and the phi phenomenon, but
we will not go into more details of these
due to lack of space.

The important point here is what
is ‘sufficiently fast’ or how high the
frame rate should be before we do not
detect any jerkiness? For humans, at
the minimum, it is 24 fps. Also, beyond
60 fps humans don’t experience any
further smoothness. The movies we
see in theatres are shown at 24 fps.
In our country TV broadcasts are at
several different rates – usually at 25
fps progressive (called 25p) or 50
fps interlaced (called 50i). More of
this shortly. These frame rates have
a relationship with our mains power
which is at 50 Hz.

Slow and fast motion: If a video is
recorded at a certain frame rate and
played back at the same frame rate,
then it appears normal as captured. If
the video is played at a rate less than
the recorded rate then the playback will
appear in slow motion as the display
time is stretched. For example, if the
capture has been made at 50 fps for 10
seconds and played back at 25 fps (at

half the fps), it will now show for 20
seconds, and everything will appear in
slow motion. The opposite will happen
when the played-back frame rate is
faster than the captured rate, though this
is seldom used.

This defines the number to lines that
are shown on a TV. This is an important
parameter that determines the detail
that will be visible on the screen. There
are currently three broad resolutions in
use, called standard definition (SD), high
definition (HD) and ultra-high definition
(UHD) popularly known as 4K.

Standard Definition (SD): In our
country, colour TVs follow a standard
called PAL. This uses a resolution of 625
lines at 50 fps. This is called Standard
Definition. However, there is a catch
here. All the 625 lines are not displayed
at once. Only half, called a ‘field’
(composing of alternating lines) will be
displayed at a time and the second half
of the missing frame will be shown next.
This is why it is called ‘interlaced scan’
method. This is really a compromise as
at any instance of time, the resolution
(called temporal resolution) is only half
of 625! As opposed to this, ‘progressive
scan’ method shows all the lines at once
and thus gives a much better visual
experience especially when fast paced
motion (like sports) is being shown. September 2019 | Smart Photography | 93

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