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Say goodnight to

your whole family.

And actually mean it.

Natrol is the #1 Melatonin brand, helping millions of Americans sleep each year.†ˆ
And now, we have a gentle yet effective kids formula for your little ones. Melatonin is
pediatrician recommended* and 100% drug-free, helping soothe kids (and parents!) to sleep.†
So finally, you and your whole family can get the rest you need.†

Now for Adults and Kids.

*Recommended by The Canadian Paediatric Society
ˆNielsen xAOC, 52 weeks ending 6/15/1^9.
†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. ©201 9 Natrol LLC.

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