Canadian Living 2019-10-01

(Marcin) #1

FA SH I ON & BEAUTY beauty tech



Customized foundation
What’s all the fuss about
Lancôme’s Le Teint Parti-
culier? The French brand has
developed innovative tech-
nology to create made-to-
measure foundation in 72,000
possible combinations. An
in-store beauty consultant
uses a device to scan your skin
for your complexion, and then
mixes it right on the spot. Walk
out the door with a bottle with
make-up experience to boot.

Perfect brows
Before taking out those
tweezers to tackle your brows
while binge-watching Netflix
(hello disaster!), check out the
augmented reality eyebrow
bar on the Benefit Cosmetics
website. Upload a picture of
yourself or use the camera on
your computer, then choose the
arch (more or less pronounced)
and thickness (more or less full)
of your future eyebrows, as well
as their definition, position and
colour, from blonde to dark
brown. Next, make an appoint-
ment at the Benefit counter
nearest you for the service to
be performed, or purchase the
recommended products online
to achieve your dream brows.

Perfect match
Thanks to Sephora + Pantone Color IQ technology,
find your ideal make-up match! With the help of a
machine created by the colour experts at Pantone,
technicians analyze three zones on your face and take
that information to the database of cosmetic products
offered at Sephora to find the best product for you
(among the 3,500 lipsticks, 1,900 foundations and
400 concealers available online or in-store!). To try
it out, head to any Sephora store across Canada and
ask one of their experts for help.
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