Canadian Living 2019-10-01

(Marcin) #1


My brain-training app
will keep my brain agile.

Despite their popularity,
brain-training apps and
games might not improve your cognitive function
or IQ as much as developers claim. “The studies
say these games are not a whole lot of use,”
explains Christene. “In fact, there’s new research
that suggests we’re starting to lose some aspects
of working memory by relying on our phones too
much. To combat this, I’d recommend doing small
things like writing a grocery list but leaving it in the
car while you shop—simple things that can help
build new neural pathways and strengthen
working memory.”



You can’t teach old
brains new tricks.

Brain function is
elastic well into our
later years, and to keep it that way, consider
trying something that takes you out of your
comfort zone to help continue to build those
new neural pathways. Learning a different
language or how to play a musical instrument
are worthy pursuits for strengthening your
noggin’s adaptability but you can also get
results with tiny changes to your routine, like
taking a different route to work or brushing
your teeth with your non-dominant hand.
“Even the effort of getting dressed in the dark
uses completely different brain cells (touch
rather than sight),” says Christene.


Every day we’re

inundated with

information about

keeping healthy—

but how much of

it can you rely on?

In the case of main-

taining brain health

and reducing the

risk of developing

Alzheimer’s disease

and dementia, at

least, we know

there’s a lot of mis-

conceptions. To cut

through all the grey

matter of some

popular myths, we

spoke with Dr. Carol

Greenwood, profes-

sor emeritus of

nutritional sciences

at University of

Toronto and senior

scientist at Bay-

crest’s Rotman

Research Institute,

as well as Christene

Gordon, provincial

client services lead

for the Alzheimer’s

Society of Alberta

and Northwest

Ter r ito r ie s. Re a d

on as we set the

record straight.


Free download pdf