The Guardian - 06.09.2019

(John Hannent) #1

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Friday 6 September 2019 The Guardian •

Spending review

Phillip Inman


ajid Javid said on
Wednesday the
government could
aff ord to “turn the page
on austerity” as he set
out Whitehall spending
priorities. Publishing departmental
budgets for next year, the chancellor
claimed a rise in spending of 4.1%
this year and next would “bring a
decade of renewal”. Critics warned
that his claims were overblown and
nine years of spending cuts would
continue to take their toll. Here we
assess Javid’s claim that a line is
being drawn under austerity.

Why did the government claim
that austerity was over?
Day-to-day spending on public
services will grow by about £13.8bn
between 2019 -20 and 2020 -21. This
is above the more circumspect
spending plans set out by Javid’s
predecessor Philip Hammond in
March. Most of the increase – about
£11.7bn – will take eff ect in the next
fi nancial year. Javid rightly said
it represented the largest rise in
at least 15 years and was a turning
point after years of spending cuts.
He also topped up next year’s capital
spending by £1.7bn.

Why did the coalition government
bring in austerity?
The annual public spending defi cit –
the diff erence between government
income and expenditure – reached
almost 10% after the fi nancial crisis.
Most of the traditional sources of
advice – the International Monetary
Fund, the OECD, the governor of the
Bank of England and the Institute
for Fiscal Studies thinktank – said
government spending cuts were
needed to balance the books.
Under George Osborne, the
Treasury forced through measures
from 2010 that cut local authority
spending by about 60% and imposed
40% cuts on many government
departments. Public investment
spending also came to a virtual
standstill, bringing to an end 15
years of improvements to hospital
and school buildings. Only three
budgets were saved from Osborne’s
knife: schools , the NHS and the
international aid budget.
Osborne’s plan, which included
tax cuts for companies, was
supposed to spur growth and reduce
the government defi cit – the gap
between income and expenditure –
to zero by 2015. Cuts to the schools
budget were introduced two
years ago, leading to widespread
redundancies and rising defi cits,
especially in secondary schools.

How much was cut from public
Once infl ation is taken into account,
the Resolution Foundation

‘A decade of renewal’ Is Javid really

bringing era of austerity to a close?

▲ Schools
budget cuts were
introduced two
years ago, with

subsequently been recouped) the
dramatic cuts in public spending
meant ministers had reduced means
to support households – the bedrock
of spending in the economy – or the
wider business community.
At the time Labour proposed
maintaining public investment,
arguing that with borrowing rates at
historic lows after the crash , there
was an opportunity to improve
Britain’s infrastructure on the
cheap. With a Conservative-led
government unprepared to step in,
businesses remained nervous and
private investment failed to take off.
Employment rose to a record high,
but without an increase in public
or private investment, productivity
stagnated and wages increased
more slowly than infl ation, leaving
household incomes depressed.

Does Wednesday’s statement
restore those cuts?
The IFS said Javid’s plans were
enough to reverse about two-thirds
of the real-terms cuts to average
day-to-day spending on public
services since 2010. However, this
achievement is even less signifi cant
when Britain’s rising population is
considered. On a per capita basis,
only a third of the cuts are reversed.
The average rise of 4.1% across
Whitehall also masks variation
within the total. “If we exclude
health, the additional spending will
only be enough to reverse around
a quarter of the cuts since 2010 (or
around 15% of the per capita cuts to
non- health areas),” the IFS said.

What needs to done to defi nitively
end austerity?
If Boris Johnson wins the expected
general election, the autumn budget
is likely to feature the £20bn of
tax cuts that he has championed.
These are commitments that
are likely to limit the scope for
further increases in departmental
or welfare spending. According
to the Resolution Foundation,
departments such as work and
pensions will have suff ered cuts
of 69% compared with 2010 fi gures
even if the 2020-21 increases are
taken into account. On the same
calculations, the justice department
has suff ered a cut of 31% and local
government 77%. Reversing these
cuts will take more than Javid was
prepared to off er in his spending
review. Avoiding a no-deal Brexit
is another way to limit the damage
to the economy and government
tax receipts. Research by the
thinktank The UK in a Changing
Europe showed that trading with
the EU with standard import tariff s
in place would reduce Britain’s per
capita income by between 3.5% and
8.7% over 10 years.

‘If we exclude health,
the additional
spending will only
be enough to reverse
around a quarter of
the cuts since 2010’

Institute for
Fiscal Studies

Source: Resolution Foundation




















-80 -60 -40 -20 0% 20

Northern Ireland



Digital, Culture, Media and Sport


Chancellor’s departments


Law officers’ departments

Environment, Food & Rural Affairs


Business, Energy and Ind. Strategy

MHCLG - Housing and Communities

Work and Pensions


MHCLG - Local Government

Health and Social Care

International Development

Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Home Office

In spite of the increase in public
spending for 2020-21, the legacy
of cuts still looms over many
Cumulative real change in day-to-day
spending (per capita) from 2009-10
to 2020-21

▲ The chancellor, Sajid Javid, meets police recruits PHOTOGRAPH: JOE GIDDENS/REUTERS

thinktank calculates that day-to-
day departmental spending fell by
£32bn between 2010-11 and 2017-18,
from £334bn to £302bn. This is a 10%
fall. If Britain’s rise in population is
taken into account – which shows
the eff ect of diminished government
funds being spread across more
people – day-to-day departmental
spending fell by 15% between
2009-10 and 2017-18, from £5,340
per person in 2009-10 to £4,560.
Figures released last year by the
House of Commons library revealed
that £37bn was on course to be sliced
off the welfare budget by 2021, a 25%
reduction in real terms since 2010.

What was the economic impact?
The fi nancial crisis hurt British
businesses and the fi nancial sector.
While the government used about
£100bn of taxpayer funds to bail
out banks (much of which has

Growth in day-to-day spending on
services between 2019 -20 and 2020-21

- the largest rise in at least 15 years

The reduction in the welfare budget
between 2010 and 2021, according
to the House of Commons library

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