September 2019 / ENTREPRENEUR.COM / 23
manager, Sportsbook
“More often than not, everyone is
here at night—and not because
we’re grinding at work, but
because we’re playing Ping-
Pong or DDR or pool, or we have
drinks or appetizers or karaoke
nights. We may be talking about
work, but we’re developing
friendships beyond office hours.
And that makes us more efficient
and effective throughout the day.”
GLORIA D’ITRI /IT operations and
logistics manager
“The beauty of our space is that we built
our IT area in the middle of the office so
people have the opportunity to walk up
to our window for support. That way,
they’re not just getting an email from
the help desk—they can put a face to a
name and build rapport with our team.”
MACK FREEDMAN/Senior manager,
global real estate
“I plan offices for DraftKings, and this
office took about 18 months. We inter-
viewed every department about what
they wanted to keep, toss, and create.
We expanded workstations and added
one-on-one rooms, phone rooms, and
huddle areas. There’s tremendous value
in listening to your customer, and in my
position, my customer is the employee.”
ANNIE CORBETT/Lead, user research
“The coolest part of our new office is the UX lab
that was built out just for my team. We’re able
to bring people into this awesome space pretty
regularly, and since there’s a one-way mirror,
employees can see and hear customer feedback
firsthand. It’s exciting to get people involved.”
“My favorite spot is this one
corner with a ginormous bean
bag. I go there to work on talent
agreements or contracts with
players and their agents before
any big event we have. It’s a
space where I can think critically
about whatever I’m working on.”