
(Kiana) #1

Chapter 3: The Internal Organization: Resources, Capabilities, Core Competencies, and Competitive Advantages 101

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Amancio Ortega, Forbes, http://www.forbes.com, March 4; R. Dudley,
A. Devnath, & M. Townsend, 2013, The hidden cost of fast fashion,
Bloomberg Businessweek, February 11, 15–17; V. Walt, 2013, Meet the
third-richest man in the world, Fortune, January 14, 74–79; 2012,
Inditex, Asos post double-digit sales gains, Women’s Wear Daily,

September 20, 6; B. Borzykowski, 2012, Zara eludes the
pain in Spain, Canadian Business, September 17, 67; K. Willems,
W. Janssens, G. Swinnen, M. Brengman, S. Streukens, &
N. Vancauteren, 2012, From Armani to Zara: Impression formation
based on fashion store patronage, Journal of Business Research,
65: 1487–1494.

Case Discussion Questions

  1. What influences from the external environment over the next
    several years do you think might affect the way Zara competes?

  2. How easy or difficult do you think it would be for competitors
    to imitate Zara’s supply chain as a capability?

  3. Is getting products to customers as quickly as possible an
    outcome that you believe would create value in industries in
    addition to clothing? If so, which industries and why?
    4. What value does Zara create for its customers?
    5. As you study how Zara competes and the capabilities it uses
    to do so, are there areas of the firm’s operations you believe
    might be candidates for outsourcing? If so, what areas and
    why might those be outsourced in the future?


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