
(Kiana) #1

Chapter 5: Competitive Rivalry and Competitive Dynamics 169

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    2013, The competitive implications of the
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    Covin, & R. P. Van Der Have, 2014, Beating
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    The value of geographically balanced
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    Management Journal, 35: 691–711;
    J. Haleblian, G. McNamara, K. Kolev, &
    B. J. Dykes, 2012, Exploring firm
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    Strategic Management Journal, 33:
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    they can do it, why not us? Competitors
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    Journal, 58: 38–58; C. Flammer, 2013,
    Corporate social responsibility and
    shareholder reaction: The environmental
    awareness of investors, Academy of
    Management Journal, 56: 758–781.

  7. B. Larraneta, S. A. Zahra, & J. L. Galan,
    2014, Strategic repertoire variety and new
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    of origin and industry dynamism, Strategic
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    Journal, 58: 242–278; S. H. Park & D. Zhou,
    2005, Firm heterogeneity and competitive
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    2012, Is cooperation with competitors a
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    competitive heterogeneity: Incentive
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  8. M. A. Cusumano, S. J. Kahl, & F. F. Suarez,
    2015, Services, industry evolution and the
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    Strategic Management Journal, 36: 559–575;
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    Business Studies, 44: 504–520.

  9. G. Gavetti, 2012, Perspective—Toward a
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    Marching to the beat of different
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    2015, Dominant designs, innovation
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    Strategic Management Journal, 36: 216–234;
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    2012, Dominance in the prototyping
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  3. C. B. Bingham, N. R. Furr, & K. M. Eisenhardt,
    2014, The opportunity paradox, MIT
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    International commitment, post-entry
    growth and survival of international new
    ventures, Journal of Business Venturing, 29:
    106–120; F. F. Suarez & G. Lanzolla, 2007, The
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    a first mover advantage theory, Academy of
    Management Review, 32: 377–392.

  4. G. M. McNamara, J. Haleblian, & B. J. Dykes,
    2008, The performance implications of
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    Early mover advantages, bandwagon
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    51, 113–130.

  5. R. K. Sinha & C. H. Noble, 2008, The
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    26: 355–366.

  6. H. R. Greve, 2009, Bigger and safer: The
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    Marketing Research, 39: 120–128.

  7. J. C. Short & G. T. Payne, 2008, First-movers
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  8. E. de Oliveira & W. B. Werther, Jr., 2013,
    Resilience: Continuous renewal of
    competitive advantages, Business Horizons,
    56: 333–342.

  9. A. Hawk, G. Pacheco-De-Almeida, &
    B. Yeung, 2013, Fast-mover advantages:
    Speed capabilities and entry into the
    emerging submarket of Atlantic basin
    LNG, Strategic Management Journal, 34:
    1531–1550; N. M. Jakopin & A. Klein, 2012,
    First-mover and incumbency advantages
    in mobile telecommunications, Journal of
    Business Research, 65: 362–370.

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