
(Kiana) #1

438 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation

  1. T. Felin, S. Kauffman, R. Koppl, & G. Longo,
    2014, Economic opportunity and evolution:
    Beyond landscapes and bounded
    rationality, Strategic Entrepreneurship
    Journal, 8: 269–282; M. A. Hitt, R. D. Ireland,
    D. G. Sirmon, & C. A. Trahms, 2011, Strategic
    entrepreneurship: Creating value for
    individuals, organizations, and society.
    Academy of Management Perspectives, 25:

  2. H. Yang, Y. Zheng, & X. Zhao, 2014,
    Exploration or exploitation? Small
    firms’ alliance strategies with large
    firms, Strategic Management Journal, 35:
    146–157; J. Q. Barden, 2012, The influences
    of being acquired on subsidiary innovation
    adoption, Strategic Management Journal,
    33: 1269–1285.

  3. D. Kuratko, 2015, Corporate
    entrepreneurship: Accelerating creativity
    and innovation in organizations, in
    C. Shalley, M. A. Hitt, & J. Zhou (eds.),
    The Oxford Handbook of Creativity,
    Innovation and Entrepreneurship, NY: Oxford
    University Press, 477–488; D. F. Kuratko &
    D. B. Audretsch, 2013, Clarifying the
    domains of corporate entrepreneurship,
    International Entrepreneurship and
    Management Journal, 9: 323–335; K. Shimizu,
    2012, Risks of corporate entrepreneurship:
    Autonomy and agency issues, Organization
    Science, 23: 194–206.

  4. S. L. Sun, X. Yang, & W. Li, 2014, Variance-
    enhancing corporate entrepreneurship
    under deregulation: an option portfolio
    approach, Asia Pacific Journal of
    Management, 31: 733–761; D. Urbano &
    A. Turro, 2013, Conditioning factors for
    corporate entrepreneurship: An in(ex)ternal
    approach, International Entrepreneurship
    and Management Journal, 9: 379–396.

  5. V. Hinz & S. Ingerfurth, 2013, Does
    ownership matter under challenging
    conditions? Public Management Review, 15:

  6. M. Keyhani, M. Levesque, & A. Madhok,
    2015, Toward a theory of entrepreneurial
    rents: A simulation of the market
    process, Strategic Management Journal,
    36: 76–96; P. M. Moroz & K. Hindle, 2012,
    Entrepreneurship as a process: Toward
    harmonizing multiple perspectives,
    Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,
    36: 781–818.

  7. J. T. Perry, G. N. Chandler, & G. Markova,
    2012, Entrepreneurial effectuation: A
    review and suggestions for future research,
    Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,
    36: 837–861; S. A. Alvarez & J. B. Barney,
    2008, Opportunities, organizations
    and entrepreneurship, Strategic
    Entrepreneurship Journal, 2: 265–267.

  8. N. J. Foss, J. Lyngsie, & S. A. Zahra, 2013,
    The role of external knowledge sources
    and organizational design in the process
    of opportunity exploitation, Strategic
    Management Journal, 34: 1453–1471;
    P. G. Klein, 2008, Opportunity discovery,
    entrepreneurial action and economic

organization, Strategic Entrepreneurship
Journal, 2: 175–190.

  1. D. A. Shepherd, T. A. Williams, & H. Patselt,
    2015, Thinking about entrepreneurial
    decision making: Review and research
    agenda, Journal of Management, 41: 11–46;
    J. Tang, K. M. Kacmar, & L. Busenitz, 2012,
    Entrepreneurial alertness in the pursuit
    of new opportunities, Journal of Business
    Venturing, 27: 77–94; S. A. Zahra, 2008, The
    virtuous cycle of discovery and creation
    of entrepreneurial opportunities, Strategic
    Entrepreneurship Journal, 2: 243–257.

  2. J. Schumpeter, 1934, The Theory of Economic
    Development, Cambridge, MA: Harvard
    University Press.

  3. E. E. Powell & T. Baker, 2014, It’s what you
    make of it: Founder identity and enacting
    strategic responses to adversity, Academy
    of Management Journal, 57: 1406–1433;
    C. A. Siren, M. Kohtamaki, & A. Kuckertz,
    2012, Exploration and exploitation
    strategies, profit performance, and the
    mediating role of strategic learning:
    Escaping the exploitation trap, Strategic
    Entrepreneurship Journal, 6: 18–41;
    J. H. Dyer, H. B. Gregersen, & C. Christensen,
    2008, Entrepreneur behaviors and the
    origins of innovative ventures, Strategic
    Entrepreneurship Journal, 2: 317–338.

  4. C. Bjornskov & N. Foss, 2013, How strategic
    entrepreneurship and the institutional
    context drive economic growth, Strategic
    Entrepreneurship Journal, 7: 50–69;
    W. J. Baumol, R. E. Litan, & C. J. Schramm,
    2007, Good Capitalism, Bad Capitalism, and
    the Economics of Growth and Prosperity,
    New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

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  6. L. Aarikka-Stenroos & B. Sandberg, 2012,
    From new-product development to
    commercialization through networks,
    Journal of Business Research, 65: 198–206.

  7. M. I. Leone & T. Reichstein, 2012,
    Licensing-in fosters rapid invention!
    The effect of the grant-back clause and
    technological unfamiliarity, Strategic
    Management Journal, 33: 965–985;
    R. A. Burgelman & L. R. Sayles, 1986, Inside
    Corporate Innovation: Strategy, Structure,
    and Managerial Skills, NY: Free Press.

  8. K. R. Fabrizio & L. G. Thomas, 2012, The
    impact of local demand on innovation in
    a global industry, Strategic Management
    Journal, 33: 42–64; M. W. Johnson, 2011,
    Making innovation matter. Bloomberg
    Businessweek, http://www.businessweek.com,
    March 3.

  9. R. Aalbers & W. Dolfsma, 2014, Innovation
    despite reorganization, Journal of Business
    Strategy, 35(3): 18–25; S. F. Latham &
    M. Braun, 2009, Managerial risk, innovation
    and organizational decline, Journal of
    Management, 35: 258–281.

  10. L. Marengo, C. Pasquali, M. Valente, &
    G. Dosi, 2012, Appropriability, patents, and
    rates of innovation in complex products
    industries, Economics of Innovation and

New Technology, 21: 753–773; S. Moon, 2011,
How does the management of research
impact the disclosure of knowledge?
Evidence from scientific publications
and patenting behavior, Economics of
Innovation & New Technology, 20: 1–32.

  1. M. Ridley, 2013, A welcome turn away from
    patents, Wall Street Journal, http://www.wsj.com,
    June 21.

  2. P. F. Drucker, 1998, The discipline of
    innovation, Harvard Business Review, 76(6):

  3. Ibid.

  4. C. B. Dobni, M. Klassen, & T. Nelson, 2015,
    Innovation strategy in the U.S.: Top
    executives share their views, Journal of
    Business Strategy, 36(1): 3–13; B. R. Bhardwaj,
    Sushil, & K. Momaya, 2011, Drivers and
    enablers of corporate entrepreneurship:
    Case of a software giant from India, Journal
    of Management Development, 30: 187–205.

  5. J. Brinckmann & S. M. Kim, 2015, Why we
    plan: The impact of nascent entrepreneurs’
    cognitive characteristics and human
    capital on business planning, Strategic
    Entrepreneurship Journal, in press;
    Y. Yanadori & V. Cui, 2013, Creating
    incentives for innovation? The relationship
    between pay dispersion in R&D groups
    and firm innovation performance, Strategic
    Management Journal, 34: 1502–1511.

  6. C. Shalley, M. A. Hitt, & J. Zhou, 2015,
    Introduction: Integrating creativity,
    innovation, and entrepreneurship to
    enhance the organizations capability to
    navigate in the new competitive landscape,
    in C. Shalley, M. A. Hitt, & J. Zhou (eds.),
    The Oxford Handbook of Creativity,
    innovation and Entrepreneurship, NY: Oxford
    University Press, 1–14; J. Lampel, P. P. Jha, &
    A. Bhalla, 2012, Test-driving the future:
    How design competitions are changing
    innovation, Academy of Management
    Perspectives, 26: 71–85.

  7. J. Raffiee & J. Feng, 2014, Should I
    quit my day job?: A hybrid path to
    entrepreneurship, Academy of Management
    Journal, 57: 936–963; D. Ucbasaran,
    P. Westhead, M. Wright, & M. Flores, 2010,
    The nature of entrepreneurial experience,
    business failure and comparative
    optimism, Journal of Business Venturing,
    25: 541–555; K. M. Hmielski & R. A. Baron,
    2009, Entrepreneurs’ optimism and new
    venture performance: A social cognitive
    perspective, Academy of Management
    Journal, 52: 473–488.

  8. Y. Yamakawa, M. W. Peng, & D. L. Deeds,
    2015, Rising from the ashes: Cognitive
    determinants of venture growth after
    entrepreneurial failure, Entrepreneurship
    Theory and Practice, 39: 209–236; M.-D. Foo,
    2011, Emotions and entrepreneurial
    opportunity evaluation, Entrepreneurship:
    Theory & Practice, 35: 375–393; M. S. Cardon,
    J. Wincent, J. Singh, & M. Drovsek, 2009, The
    nature and experience of entrepreneurial
    passion, Academy of Management Review,
    34: 511–532.

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