
(Kiana) #1

Chapter 13: Strategic Entrepreneurship 439

  1. C. Schlaegel & M. Koenig, 2014,
    Determinants of entrepreneurial intent:
    A meta-analytic test and integration of
    competing models, Entrepreneurship
    Theory and Practice, 38: 291–332;
    M. McCaffrey, 2014, On the theory of
    entrepreneurial incentives and alertness,
    Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,
    38: 891–911; M. S. Wood, A. McKelvie, &
    J. M. Haynie, 2014, Making it personal:
    Opportunity individuation and the
    shaping of opportunity beliefs, Journal of
    Business Venturing, 29: 252–272.

  2. Y. Bammens & V. Collewaert, 2014, Trust
    between entrepreneurs and angel
    investors: Exploring the positive and
    negative implications for venture
    performance assessments, Journal of
    Management, 40: 1980–2008; S. W. Smith &
    S. K. Shah, 2013, Do innovative users
    generate more useful insights? An analysis
    of corporate venture capital investments
    in the medical device industry, Strategic
    Entrepreneurship Journal, 7: 151–167;
    W. Stam, S. Arzlanian, & T. Elfring, 2014,
    Social capital of entrepreneurs and
    small firm performance: A meta-analysis
    of contextual and methodological
    moderators, Journal of Business Venturing,
    29: 152–173.

  3. T. Prive, 2013, Top 32 quotes every
    entrepreneur should live by, Forbes,
    http://www.forbes.com, May 2.

  4. J. G. Covin & D. Miller, 2014, International
    entrepreneurial orientation: Conceptual
    considerations, research themes,
    measurement issues, and future research
    directions, Entrepreneurship Theory and
    Practice, 38: 11–44.

  5. J. York, S. Sarasvathy, & A. Wicks, 2013, An
    entrepreneurial perspective on value
    creation in public-private ventures,
    Academy of Management Review, 28:
    307–309; A. Chwolka & M. G. Raith, 2012, The
    value of business planning before start-
    up—A decision-theoretical perspective,
    Journal of Business Venturing, 27: 385–399.

  6. W. Drechsler & M. Natter, 2012,
    Understanding a firm’s openness decisions
    in innovation, Journal of Business Research,
    65: 438–445; W. Tsai, 2001, Knowledge
    transfer in intraorganizational networks:
    Effects of network position and absorptive
    capacity on business unit innovation and
    performance, Academy of Management
    Journal, 44: 996–1004.

  7. S. Artinger & T. C. Powell, 2015,
    Entrepreneurial failure: Statistical and
    psychological explanations, Strategic
    Management Journal, in press; M. Spraggon &
    V. Bodolica, 2012, A multidimensional
    taxonomy of intra-firm knowledge
    transfer processes, Journal of Business
    Research, 65: 1273–1282; S. A. Zahra &
    G. George, 2002, Absorptive capacity: A
    review, reconceptualization, and extension,
    Academy of Management Review, 27:185–203.

  8. G. Cassar, 2014, Industry and startup
    experience on entrepreneur forecast

performance in new firms, Journal of
Business Venturing, 29: 137–151.

  1. 2015, The world’s 50 most innovative
    companies, Fast Company, March, 67–134.

  2. M. Chafkin, 2015, #1—Warby Parker, Fast
    Company, March, 68–71.

  3. S. Terjesen, J. Hessels, & D. Li,
    2015, Comparative international
    entrepreneurship: A review and research
    agenda, Journal of Management, in press;
    P. McDougall-Covin, M. V. Jones, &
    M. G. Serapio, 2014, High-potential
    concepts, phenomena, and theories
    for the advancement of international
    entrepreneurship research,
    Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,
    38: 1–10.

  4. A. Al-Aali & D. J. Teece, 2014, International
    entrepreneurship and the theory of
    the (long-lived) international firm: A
    capabilities perspective, Entrepreneurship
    Theory and Practice, 38: 95–116; A. N. Kiss,
    W. M. Davis, & S. T. Cavusgil, 2012,
    International entrepreneurship research
    in emerging economies: A critical review
    and research agenda, Journal of Business
    Venturing, 27: 266–290.

  5. H. Berry, 2014, Global integration and
    innovation: Multicountry knowledge
    generation within MNCs, Strategic
    Management Journal, 35: 869–890.

  6. L. Sleuwaegen & J. Onkelinx, 2014,
    International commitment, post-entry
    growth and survival of international new
    ventures, Journal of Business Venturing, 29:
    106–120; P. Almodovar & A. M. Rugman,
    2014, The M curve and the performance of
    Spanish international new ventures, British
    Journal of Management, 25: S6–S23.

  7. K. D. Brouthers, G. Nakos, & P. Dimitratos,
    2015, SME entrepreneurial orientation,
    international performance and the
    moderating role of strategic alliances,
    Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, in
    press; T. A. Khoury, A. Cuervo-Cazurra, &
    L. A. Dau, 2014, Institutional outsiders
    and insiders: The response of foreign
    and domestic inventors to the quality of
    intellectual property rights protection,
    Global Strategy Journal, 4: 200–220;
    P. Stenholm, Z. J. Acs, & R. Wuebker, 2013,
    Exploring country-level institutional
    arrangements on the rate and type of
    entrepreneurial activity, Journal of Business
    Venturing, 28: 176–193.

  8. 2014, New report ranks world’s most
    entrepreneurial countries, Oracle Capital
    Group, orcap.co.uk, June 23.

  9. W. Q. Judge, Y. Liu-Thompkins, J. L. Brown, &
    C. Pongpatipat, 2015, The impact of
    home country institutions on corporate
    technological entrepreneurship via R&D
    investments and virtual world presence,
    Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 39:
    237–266; E. Autio, S. Pathak, & K. Wennberg,
    2013, Consequences of cultural practices
    for entrepreneurial behaviors, Journal
    of International Business Studies, 44:
    334–362; U. Stephan & L. M. Uhlaner,

2010, Performance-based vs. socially
supportive culture: A cross-cultural study
of descriptive norms and entrepreneurship,
Journal of International Business Studies, 41:

  1. J.-F. Hennart, 2014, The accidental
    internationalists: A theory of born globals,
    Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 38:
    117–135; T. K. Madsen, 2013, Early and rapidly
    internationalizing ventures: Similarities and
    differences between classifications based
    on the original international new venture
    and born global literatures, Journal of
    International Entrepreneurship, 11: 65–79.

  2. S. T. Cavusgil & G. Knight, 2015, The born
    global firm: An entrepreneurial and
    capabilities perspective on early and rapid
    internationalization, Journal of International
    Business Studies, 46: 3–16; S. A. Fernhaber &
    D. Li, 2013, International exposure through
    network relationships: Implications
    for new venture internationalization,
    Journal of Business Venturing, 28: 316–334;
    S. A. Zahra, R. D. Ireland, & M. A. Hitt, 2000,
    International expansion by new venture
    firms: International diversity, mode of
    market entry, technological learning and
    performance, Academy of Management
    Journal, 43: 925–950.

  3. M. Musteen, D. K. Datta, & M. M. Butts,
    2014, Do international networks and
    foreign market knowledge facilitate
    SME internationalization? Evidence from
    the Czech Republic, Entrepreneurship
    Theory and Practice, 38: 749–774; G. Nakos,
    K. D. Brouthers, & P. Dimitratos, 2014,
    International alliances with competitors
    and non-competitors: The disparate
    impact on SME international performance,
    Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 8:

  4. D. J. McCarthy, S. M. Puffer, & S. V. Darda,
    2010, Convergence in entrepreneurial
    leadership style: Evidence from Russia,
    California Management Review, 52(4):
    48–72; H. U. Lee & J. H. Park, 2008, The
    influence of top management team
    international exposure on international
    alliance formation, Journal of Management
    Studies, 45: 961–981; H. G. Barkema &
    O. Chvyrkov, 2007, Does top management
    team diversity promote or hamper foreign
    expansion? Strategic Management Journal,
    28: 663–680.

  5. R. Belderbos, B. Lokshin, & B. Sadowski,
    2015, The returns to foreign R&D, Journal
    of International Business Studies, 46:
    491–504; S. Awate, M. M. Larsen, &
    R. Mudambi, 2015, Accessing vs sourcing
    knowledge: A comparative study of R&D
    internationalization between emerging
    and advanced economy firms, Journal of
    International Business Studies, 46: 63–86.

  6. K. Grigoriou & F. T. Rothaermel, 2014,
    Structural microfoundations of innovation:
    The role of relational stars, Journal of
    Management, 40: 586–615; A. Teixeira &
    N. Fortuna, 2010, Human capital, R&D,
    trade, and long-run productivity: Testing

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