
(Kiana) #1

440 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation

the technological absorption hypothesis
for the Portuguese economy, 1960–2001,
Research Policy, 39: 335–350.

  1. R. J. Genry & W. Shen, 2013, The impacts of
    performance relative to analyst forecasts
    and analyst coverage on firm R&D intensity,
    Strategic Management Journal, 34: 121–130;
    L. A. Bettencourt & S. L. Bettencourt, 2011,
    Innovating on the cheap, Harvard Business
    Review, 89(6): 88–94.

  2. A. K. Chatterji & K. R. Fabrizio, 2014, Using
    users: When does external knowledge
    enhance corporate product innovation?
    Strategic Management Journal, 35:

  3. R. Funk, 2014, Making the most of where
    you are: Geography, networks, and
    innovation in organizations, Academy of
    Management Journal, 57: 193–222;
    M. Sytch & A. Tatarynowicz, 2014, Exploring
    the locus of innovation: The dynamics of
    network communities and firms’ invention
    productivity, Academy of Management
    Journal, 57: 249–279.

  4. E. Operti & G. Carnabuci, 2014, Public
    knowledge, private gain: The effect of
    spillover networks on firms’ innovation
    performance, Journal of Management, 40:

  5. J. Morgan, 2015, Five examples of
    companies with internal innovation
    programs, Huffington Post, http://www.
    huffingtonpost.com, April 9.

  6. R. Mudambi & T. Swift, 2014, Knowing
    when to leap: Transitioning between
    exploitative and explorative R&D, Strategic
    Management Journal, 35: 126–145;
    P. Ritala & P. Hurmelinna-Laukkanen,
    2013, Incremental and radical innovation
    in coopetition—The role of absorptive
    capacity and appropriability, Journal
    of Product Innovation Management, 30:
    154–169; C. B. Bingham & J. P. Davis, 2012,
    Learning sequences: Their existence, effect,
    and evolution, Academy of Management
    Journal, 55: 611–641.

  7. S. Roy & K. Sivakumar, 2012, Global
    outsourcing relationships and innovation:
    A conceptual framework and research
    propositions, Journal of Product and
    Innovation Management, 29: 513–530.

  8. S. W. Smith, 2014, Follow me to the
    innovation frontier? Leaders, laggards
    and the differential effects of imports
    and exports on technological innovation,
    Journal of International Business Studies,
    45: 248–274.

  9. D. McKendrick & J. Wade, 2010, Frequent
    incremental change, organizational
    size, and mortality in high-technology
    competition, Industrial and Corporate
    Change, 19: 613–639.

  10. N. Argyres, L. Bigelow, & J. A. Nickerson,
    2015, Dominant designs, innovation shocks
    and the follower’s dilemma, Strategic
    Management Journal, 36: 216–234.

  11. B. R. Fitzgerald, 2015, Google taking its self-
    driving cars to the open road, Wall Street
    Journal, http://www.wsj.com, May 15.
    66. T. Magnusson & C. Berggren, 2011,
    Entering an era of ferment—radical vs
    incrementalist strategies in automotive
    power train development, Technology
    Analysis & Strategic Management, 23:
    313–330; 2005, Getting an edge on
    innovation, BusinessWeek, March 21, 124.
    67. R. Roy & M. B. Sarkar, 2015, Knowledge,
    firm boundaries, and innovation:
    Mitigating the incumbent’s curse during
    radical technological change, Strategic
    Management Journal, in press; B. Buisson &
    P. Silberzahn, 2010, Blue Ocean or fast-
    second innovation? A four-breakthrough
    model to explain successful market
    domination, International Journal of
    Innovation Management, 14: 359–378.
    68. R. K. Mitchell, J. B. Smith, J. A. Stamp, &
    J. Carlson, 2015, Organizing creativity:
    Lessons from the Eureka! Ranch experience,
    in C. Shalley, M. A. Hitt, & J. Zhou (eds.), The
    Oxford Handbook of Creativity, Innovation
    and Entrepreneurship, NY: Oxford University
    Press, 301–337; Z. Lindgardt & B. Shaffer,
    2012, Business model innovation in social-
    sector organizations, bcg.perspectives,
    bcgperspectives.com, November 7.
    69. 2013, The power of imagination, Wall Street
    Journal, http://www.wsj.com, February 25.
    70. S. Harvey, 2014, Creative synthesis:
    Exploring the process of extraordinary
    group creativity, Academy of Management
    Review, 39: 324–343; D. Lavie & I. Drori, 2012,
    Collaborating for knowledge creation and
    application: The case of nanotechnology
    research programs, Organization Science,
    23: 704–724.
    71. A. K. Chatterji & K. Fabrizio, 2012, How
    do product users influence corporate
    invention? Organization Science, 23:
    72. Kuratko, Corporate entrepreneurship;
    N. R. Furr, F. Cavarretta, & S. Garg, 2012,
    Who changes course? The role of
    domain knowledge and novel framing
    in making technology changes, Strategic
    Entrepreneurship Journal, 6: 236–256;
    J. M. Oldroyd & R. Gulati, 2010, A learning
    perspective on intraorganizational
    knowledge spill-ins, Strategic
    Entrepreneurship Journal, 4: 356–372.
    73. M. L. Sosa, 2013, Decoupling market
    incumbency from organizational
    prehistory: Locating the real sources
    of competitive advantage in R&D for
    radical innovation, Strategic Management
    Journal, 34: 245–255; S. A. Hill, M. V. J. Maula,
    J. M. Birkinshaw, & G. C. Murray, 2009,
    Transferability of the venture capital model
    to the corporate context: Implications for
    the performance of corporate venture
    units, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal,
    3: 3–27.
    74. J. Brady, 2013, Some companies foster
    creativity, others fake it, Wall Street Journal,
    http://www.wsj.com, May 21.
    75. B. Wu, Z. Wan, & D. A. Levinthal, 2014,
    Complementary assets as pipes and
    prisms: Innovation incentives and

trajectory choices, Strategic Management
Journal, 35: 1257–1278; A. Sahaym,
H. K. Steensma, & J. Q. Barden, 2010, The
influence of R&D investment on the use of
corporate venture capital: An industry-level
analysis, Journal of Business Venturing,
25: 376–388; R. A. Burgelman, 1995, Strategic
Management of Technology and Innovation,
Boston, MA: Irwin.

  1. D. Kandemir & N. Acur, 2012, Examining
    proactive strategic decision-making
    flexibility in new product development,
    Journal of Product Innovation Management,
    29: 608–622.

  2. K. B. Kahn, G. Barczak, J. Nicholas,
    A. Ledwith, & H. Perks, 2012, An
    examination of new product development
    best practice, Journal of Product Innovation
    Management, 29: 180–192.

  3. S. S. Durmusoglu, 2013, Merits of task
    advice during new product development:
    Network centrality antecedents and
    new product outcomes of knowledge
    richness and knowledge quality, Journal
    of Product Innovation Management, 30:
    487–499; D. Kelley & H. Lee, 2010, Managing
    innovation champions: The impact of
    project characteristics on the direct
    manager role, Journal of Product Innovation
    Management, 27: 1007–1019.

  4. N. Kim, S. Im, & S. F. Slater, 2013, Impact of
    knowledge type and strategic orientation
    on new product creativity and advantage
    in high-technology firms, Journal of Product
    Innovation Management, 30: 136–153; U. de
    Brentani & S. E. Reid, 2012, The fuzzy front-
    end of discontinuous innovation: Insights
    for research and management, Journal of
    Product Innovation Management, 29: 70–87.

  5. L. Mirabeau & S. Maguire, 2014, From
    autonomous strategic behavior to
    emergent strategy, Strategic Management
    Journal, 35: 1202–1229.

  6. N. Anderson, K. Potocnik, & J. Zhou, 2014,
    Innovation and creativity in organizations:
    A state-of-the-science review, prospective
    commentary and guiding framework,
    Journal of Management, 40: 1297–1333;
    S. Im, M. M. Montoya, & J. P. Workman, Jr.,
    2013, Antecedents and consequences of
    creativity in product innovation teams,
    Journal of Product Innovation Management,
    30: 170–185; S. Borjesson & M. Elmquist,
    2012, Aiming at innovation: A case study
    of innovation capabilities in the Swedish
    defence industry, International Journal of
    Business Innovation and Research, 6: 188–201.

  7. S. E. Ante, 2013, IBM’s chief to employees:
    Think fast, move faster, Wall Street Journal,
    http://www.wsj.com, April 24.

  8. A. Caldart, R. S. Vassolo, & L. Silvestri, 2014,
    Induced variation in administrative systems:
    Experimenting with contexts for innovation,
    Management Research, 12: 123–151.

  9. S. B. Choi & C. Williams, 2014, The impact
    of innovation intensity, scope, and
    spillovers on sales growth in Chinese
    firms, Asia Pacific Journal of Management,
    31: 25–46.

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