
(Kiana) #1

Chapter 13: Strategic Entrepreneurship 441

  1. P. T. Gianidodis, J. E. Ettlie, & J. J. Urbana,
    2014, Open service innovation in the
    global banking industry: Inside-out
    versus outside-in strategies, Academy of
    Management Perspectives, 28: 76–91.

  2. A. Compagni, V. Mele, & D. Ravasi, 2015,
    How early implementations influence
    later adoptions of innovation: Social
    positioning and skill reproduction in the
    diffusion of robotic surgery, Academy
    of Management Journal, 58: 242–278;
    T. Vanacker, S. Manigart, & M. Meuleman,
    2014, Path-dependent evolution versus
    intentional management of investment
    ties in science-based entrepreneurial firms,
    Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 38:

  3. J. Jia, G. Wang, X. Zhao, & X. Yu, 2014,
    Exploring the relationship between
    entrepreneurial orientation and corporate
    performance: The role of competency of
    executives in entrepreneurial-oriented
    corporations, Nankai, Business Review, 5:

  4. T. Kollmann & C. Stockmann, 2014,
    Filling the entrepreneurial orientation—
    performance gap: The mediating effects of
    exploratory and exploitative innovations,
    Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 38:

  5. P. Patanakul, J. Chen, & G. S. Lynn, 2012,
    Autonomous teams and new product
    development, Journal of Product Innovation
    Management, 29: 734–750.

  6. S. Kuester, C. Homburg, & S. C. Hess, 2012,
    Externally directed and internally directed
    market launch management: The role
    of organizational factors in influencing
    new product success, Journal of Product
    Innovation Management, 29: 38–52.

  7. G. Barcjak & K. B. Kah, 2012, Identifying
    new product development best practice,
    Business Horizons, 56: 291–305; C. Nakata &
    S. Im, 2010, Spurring cross-functional
    integration for higher new product
    performance: A group effectiveness
    perspective, Journal of Product Innovation
    Management, 27: 554–571.

  8. J. P. Eggers, 2012, All experience is not
    created equal: Learning, adapting, and
    focusing in product portfolio management,
    Strategic Management Journal, 33: 315–335;
    R. Slotegraaf & K. Atuahene-Gima, 2011,
    Product development team stability
    and new product advantage: The role
    of decision-making processes, Journal
    of Marketing, 75: 96–108; R. Cowan &
    N. Jonard, 2009, Knowledge portfolios and
    the organization of innovation networks,
    Academy of Management Review, 34:

  9. P. R. Kehoe & D. Tzabbar, 2015, Lighting the
    way or stealing the shine? An examination
    of the duality in star scientists’ effects on
    firm innovation performance, Strategic
    Management Journal, 36: 709–727.

  10. M. Brettel, F. Heinemann, A. Engelen, &
    S. Neubauer, 2011, Cross-functional
    integration of R&D, marketing, and

manufacturing in radical and incremental
product innovations and its effects on
project effectiveness and efficiency,
Journal of Product Innovation Management,
28: 251–269.

  1. D. De Clercq, N. Thongpapanl, & D. Dimov,
    2013, Getting more from cross-functional
    fairness and product innovativeness:
    Contingency effects of internal resource
    and conflict management, Journal of
    Product Innovation Management, 30:
    56–69; G. Gemser & M. M. Leenders, 2011,
    Managing cross-functional cooperation for
    new product development success, Long
    Range Planning, 44: 26–41.

  2. F. Aime, S. Humphrey, D. DeRue, & J. Paul,
    2014, The riddle of heterarchy: Power
    transitions in cross-functional teams,
    Academy of Management Journal, 57:

  3. E. L. Anthony, S. G. Green, & S. A. McComb,
    2014, Crossing functions above the cross-
    functional project team: The value of
    lateral coordination among functional
    department heads, Journal of Engineering
    and Technology Management, 31: 141–158;
    V. V. Baunsgaard & S. Clegg, 2013, ‘Walls or
    boxes’: The effects of professional identity,
    power and rationality on strategies for
    cross-functional integration, Organization
    Studies, 34: 1299–1325.

  4. M. Baer, K. T. Dirks, & J. A. Nickerson, 2013,
    Microfoundations of strategic problem
    formulation, Strategic Management
    Journal, 34: 197–214; R. Oliva & N. Watson,
    2011, Cross-functional alignment in
    supply chain planning: A case study of
    sales and operations planning, Journal
    of Operations Management, 29: 434–448;
    A. C. Amason, 1996, Distinguishing the
    effects of functional and dysfunctional
    conflict on strategic decision making:
    Resolving a paradox for top management
    teams, Academy of Management Journal,
    39: 123–148.

  5. T. A. De Vries, F. Walter, G. S. van der Vegt, &
    P. J. M. D. Essens, 2014, Antecedents of
    individuals’ inter-team coordination:
    Broad functional experiences as a mixed
    blessing, Academy of Management
    Journal, 57: 1334–1359; H. K. Gardner, 2012,
    Performance pressure as a double-edged
    sword: Enhancing team motivation while
    undermining the use of team knowledge,
    Administrative Science Quarterly, 57: 1–46;
    D. Clercq, B. Menguc, & S. Auh, 2009,
    Unpacking the relationship between an
    innovation strategy and firm performance:
    The role of task conflict and political
    activity, Journal of Business Research, 62:

  6. V. Gupta & S. Singh, 2015, Leadership and
    creative performance behaviors in R&D
    laboratories: Examining the mediating role
    of justice perceptions, Journal of Leadership
    and Organizational Studies, 22: 21–36;
    Y. Chung & S. E. Jackson, 2013, The internal
    and external networks of knowledge-
    intensive teams: The role of task

routineness, Journal of Management, 39:
442–468; J. Daspit, C. J. Tillman, N. G. Boyd, &
V. McKee, 2013, Cross-functional team
effectiveness: An examination of internal
team environment, shared leadership, and
cohesion influences, Team Performance
Management, 19: 34–56.

  1. W. Sun, A. Su, & Y. Shang, 2014,
    Transformational leadership, team climate,
    and team performance within the NPD
    team: Evidence from China, Asia Pacific
    Journal of Management, 31: 127–147;
    H. K. Gardner, F. Gino, & B. R. Staats, 2012,
    Dynamically integrating knowledge
    in teams: Transforming resources into
    performance, Academy of Management
    Journal, 55: 998–1022.

  2. Q. Li, P. Maggitti, K. Smith, P. Tesluk, &
    R. Katila, 2013, Top management attention
    to innovation: The role of search
    selection and intensity in new product
    introductions, Academy of Management
    Journal, 56: 893–916; N. Stieglitz &
    L. Heine, 2007, Innovations and the role
    of complementarities in a strategic theory
    of the firm, Strategic Management Journal,
    28: 1–15.

  3. V. Gaba & S. Bhattacharya, 2012, Aspirations,
    innovation, and corporate venture
    capital: A behavioral perspective, Strategic
    Entrepreneurship Journal, 6: 178–199;
    K. Wennberg, J. Wiklund, D. R. DeTienne, &
    M. S. Cardon, 2010, Reconceptualizing
    entrepreneurial exit: Divergent exit routes
    and their drivers, Journal of Business
    Venturing, 25: 361–375.

  4. U. Stettner & D. Lavie, 2014, Ambidexterity
    under scrutiny: Exploration and
    exploitation via internal organization,
    alliances and acquisitions, Strategic
    Management Journal, 35:1903–1929;
    H. Milanov & S. A. Fernhaber, 2014, When
    do domestic alliances help ventures
    abroad? Direct and moderating effects
    from a learning experience, Journal of
    Business Venturing, 29: 377–391; S. Terjesen,
    P. C. Patel, & J. G. Covin, 2011, Alliance
    diversity, environmental context and the
    value of manufacturing capabilities among
    new high technology ventures, Journal of
    Operations Management, 29: 105–115.

  5. H. Kim, N. K. Park, & J. Lee, 2014, How
    does the second-order learning process
    moderate the relationship between
    innovation inputs and outputs of large
    Korean firms? Asia Pacific Journal of
    Management, 31: 69–103; S. Zu, F. Wu, &
    E. Cavusgil, 2013, Complements or
    substitutes? Internal technological
    strength, competitors alliance participation,
    and innovation development, Journal
    of Product Innovation Management, 30:

  6. J. West & M. Bogers, 2014, Leveraging
    external sources of innovation: A review
    of research on open innovation, Journal of
    Product Innovation Management, 31: 814–831;
    D. Li, 2013, Multilateral R&D alliances by
    new ventures, Journal of Business Venturing,

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