
(Jacob Rumans) #1
6.3. Maximum Likelihood Tests 377

Recall that the likelihood function and its log are given by









Letθ̂denote the maximum likelihood estimate ofθ.
To motivate the test, consider Theorem 6.1.1, which says that ifθ 0 is the true
value ofθ, then, asymptotically,L(θ 0 ) is the maximum value ofL(θ). Consider the
ratio of two likelihood functions, namely,


L(θ 0 )

. (6.3.2)

Note that Λ≤1, but ifH 0 is true, Λ should be large (close to 1), while ifH 1 is true,
Λ should be smaller. For a specified significance levelα, this leads to the intuitive
decision rule
RejectH 0 in favor ofH 1 if Λ≤c, (6.3.3)
wherecis such thatα=Pθ 0 [Λ≤c]. We call it thelikelihood ratio test(LRT).
Theorem 6.3.1 derives the asymptotic distribution of Λ underH 0 , but first we look
at two examples.

Example 6.3.1 (Likelihood Ratio Test for the Exponential Distribution). Sup-
poseX 1 ,...,Xnare iid with pdff(x;θ)=θ−^1 exp{−x/θ},forx, θ >0. Let the
hypotheses be given by (6.3.1). The likelihood function simplifies to


From Example 4.1.1, the mle ofθisX. After some simplification, the likelihood
ratio test statistic simplifies to


θ 0

exp{−nX/θ 0 }. (6.3.4)

The decision rule is to rejectH 0 if Λ≤c. But further simplification of the test is
possible. Other than the constanten, the test statistic is of the form

g(t)=tnexp{−nt},t> 0 ,

wheret=x/θ 0. Using differentiable calculus, it is easy to show thatg(t)has
a unique critical value at 1, i.e., g′(1) = 0, and further thatt=1providesa
maximum, becauseg′′(1)<0. As Figure 6.3.1 depicts,g(t)≤c if and only if
t≤c 1 ort≥c 2. This leads to

Λ≤c, if and only if,Xθ 0 ≤c 1 orXθ 0 ≥c 2.
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