
(Jacob Rumans) #1
10.9. Robust Concepts 647

To obtain the functional corresponding to the Wilcoxon estimate, recall the
association between the ranks and the empirical cdf; see (10.5.14). For Wilcoxon
scores, we have

aW(R(Yi−xciβ)) =φW



. (10.9.39)

Based on the Wilcoxon estimating equations, (10.9.34), and expression (10.9.39),
the functionalTW(H) corresponding to the Wilcoxon estimate satisfies the equation




φW{F[y−TW(H)x]}xh(x, y)dxdy=0. (10.9.40)

We next derive the influence functions of the LS and Wilcoxon estimators of
β. In regression models, we are concerned about the influence of outliers in both
theY-andX-spaces. Consider then a point-mass distribution with all its mass at
the point (x 0 ,y 0 ), and let Δ(x 0 ,y 0 )(x, y) denote the corresponding cdf. Let denote
the probability of sampling from this contaminating distribution, where 0< <1.
Hence, consider the contaminated distribution with cdf

H (x, y)=(1− )H(x, y)+ Δ(x 0 ,y 0 )(x, y). (10.9.41)

Because the differential is a linear operator, we have

dH (x, y)=(1− )dH(x, y)+dΔ(x 0 ,y 0 )(x, y), (10.9.42)

wheredH(x, y)=h(x, y)dxdy;thatis,dcorresponds to the second mixed partial
∂^2 /∂x ∂y.
By (10.9.38), the LS functionalT at the cdfH (x, y) satisfies the equation

0=(1− )





x(y−xT )h(x, y)dxdy+





x(y−xT )dΔ(x 0 ,y 0 )(x, y).
To find the partial derivative ofT with respect to , we simply implicitly differen-
tiate expression (10.9.43) with respect to , which yields






x(y−T x)h(x, y)dxdy

+(1− )







h(x, y)dxdy






x(y−xT )dΔ(x 0 ,y 0 )(x, y)+B, (10.9.44)

where the expression forBis not needed since we are evaluating this partial at
=0. Noticethatat =0,y−T x=y−Tx=y−βx. Hence, at = 0, the first
expression on the right side of (10.9.44) is 0, while the second expression becomes
−E(X^2 )(∂T/∂ ), where the partial is evaluated at 0. Finally, the third expression
is the expected value of the point-mass distribution Δ(x 0 ,y 0 ),whichis,ofcourse,

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