
(Jacob Rumans) #1

704 Common Distributions

List of Common Discrete Distributions

Bernoulli (3.1.1)
0 <p< 1 p(x)=px(1−p)^1 −x,x=0, 1
μ=p, σ^2 =p(1−p)
m(t)=[(1−p)+pet], −∞<t<∞

Binomial (3.1.2)
0 <p< 1 p(x)=


px(1−p)n−x,x=0, 1 , 2 ,...,n
n=1, 2 ,...
μ=np, σ^2 =np(1−p)
m(t)=[(1−p)+pet]n, −∞<t<∞

Geometric (3.1.4)
0 <p< 1 p(x)=p(1−p)x,x=0, 1 , 2 ,...
μ=pq,σ^2 =^1 −p 2 p
m(t)=p[1−(1−p)et]−^1 ,t<−log(1−p)

Hypergeometric(N, D, n) (3.1.7)
n=1, 2 ,...,min{N, D} p(x)=
,x=0, 1 , 2 ,...,n
μ=nND,σ^2 =nDNNN−DNN−−n 1
The above pmf is the probability of obtainingxDs
in a sample of sizen, without replacement.

Negative Binomial (3.1.3)
0 <p< 1 p(x)=

(x+r− 1
r− 1

pr(1−p)x,x=0, 1 , 2 ,...
r=1, 2 ,...
μ=rqp,σ^2 =r(1p− 2 p)

Poisson (3.2.1)
m> 0 p(x)=e−mm

x!,x=0,^1 ,^2 ,...
μ=m, σ^2 =m
m(t)=exp{m(et−1)}, −∞<t<∞
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