
(Jacob Rumans) #1
738 Index

cumulant generating function, 77
decision, 414
gamma, 173
influence, 641
likelihood, 355
loss, 414
n-variate, 136
marginal pdf, 91
marginal pmf, 90
mgf, 70
n-variate, 138
mgf several variables, 96
minimax decision, 415
pdf, 50
n-variate, 134
joint, 87
pmf, 46
n-variate, 135
power, 470
probability function, 12
quadratic form, 515
risk, 414
score, 364
sensitivity curve, 639
set function, 7
Functional, 569, 640
location, 570, 640
scale, 572
simple linear
LS, 646
Wilcoxon, 647
symmetric error distribution, 571

Game, 62
fair, 62
Gamma distribution, 174
additive property, 177
mean, 175
mgf, 174
Monte Carlo generation, 294
relationship with Poisson, 183
variance, 175
Gamma function, 173
Stirling’s Formula, 331
General rank scores, 608
General rank scores test statistic, 608
General scores test statistic
linear model, 626
Gentle, J. E., 300, 303
Geometric distribution, 160
memoryless property, 166
Geometric mean, 82, 439
Geometric series, 8
George, E. I., 676, 678
Gibbs sampler, 675

Gini’s mean difference, 265
Gompertz distribution, 186
Goodness-of-fit test, 285
Grand mean, 517
Graybill, F. A., 391

Haas, J. V., 600
Haldane, J. B. .S., 666
Hampel, F. R., 642
Hardy, G. H., 334
Harmonic mean, 82
Hazard function, 175
Burr distribution, 223
exponential, 186
linear, 186
Pareto distribution, 223
Hettmansperger, T. P., 248, 382, 383,
467, 496, 548, 569, 599, 607,
612, 624, 625, 627, 633, 643,
648, 649
Hewitt, E., 81
Hierarchical Bayes, 679
Highest density region (HDR), 668
Hinges, 258
Hinkley, D. V., 304, 306
Histogram, 230
Hodges, J. L., 594, 614
Hodges–Lehmann estimator, 594
Hogg, R. V., 564, 623
Hollander, M., 635, 636
Hsu, J. C., 529
Huber, P. J., 365, 643
Hypergeometric distribution, 47, 162
Hyperparameter, 679
Hypotheses testing, 267
alternative hypothesis, 267
Bayesian, 663
binomial proportionp, 269
power function, 269
forμ, 311
bootstrap test
for Δ =μY−μX, 309
chi-square tests, 283
for independence, 288
goodness-of-fit test, 285
homogeneity, 287
composite hypothesis, 270
critical region, 268
decision rule, 268
distribution free, 573
equivalence with confidence intervals,
forμ 1 −μ 2
t-test, 278
general rank scores, 608
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