The Wall Street Journal - 11.09.2019

(Steven Felgate) #1

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, September 11, 2019 |A

@911day facebook/911day @911_day •

*All candidates running for President of the United States have received written
requests this year to support the 9/11 Campaign Moratorium.

Photo Credit: FEMA, 2001




In the weeks immediately following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, our nation

found its footing in great measure because of the extraordinary spirit of unity that brought

us all together as Americans.

We weren’t Red States or Blue States. We were the United States, and we were all Americans.

As we once again approach the anniversary of 9/11, we respectfully request that all

candidates running for elected office remember this remarkable moment of national unity,

and agree to suspend on 9/11 all political advertising, and other campaign-related activities,

in favor of nonpartisan expressions of service, unity and prayer.

We ask you to make this pledge out of respect for the 9/11 families, in tribute to 9/11 victims,

rescue and recovery personnel, and members of our military, and in observance of the

federally-recognized September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance, known as

“9/11 Day.”

Over the past 15 years, this 9/11 Campaign Moratorium has been widely supported by many

candidates, including those who ran for President in 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2016.

Please confirm your intention to support the 9/11 Campaign Moratorium by making a

public announcement, using #911CampaignMoratorium, or by contacting our organization

through our website at

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