The New York Times - 12.09.2019

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morning of the 18th anniversary
of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist
attacks, President Trump began
his day by tweeting about his poll
numbers and attacking the news
At 8:12 a.m., around the same
time American Airlines Flight 11,
the first of the four planes hi-
jacked that day by terrorists,
departed from Boston, Mr. Trump
was lashing out at an unfavorable
new poll that he called “phony”
and describing it as the latest of
“the never ending Fake News
about me.”
Soon afterward, Mr. Trump
spoke at an annual ceremony
remembering 9/11 at the Penta-
gon, where one of those planes
was crashed.
He repeated an exaggerated
account of how he had assisted
the recovery effort after the
World Trade Center was brought
down by two of the planes; re-
counted how he had been about
to watch a television interview
“with Jack Welch, the legendary
head of General Electric” when
“all of a sudden they cut away” to
the scene; and reminded his
audience that he had recently
sought to meet with leaders of
the Taliban, who provided safe
haven to Al Qaeda, which was
responsible for the attacks in
New York and Washington.
That Mr. Trump could even
consider such a meeting was a
reminder that a president whose
2016 campaign was shaped by
the threat of foreign terrorism —
and particularly by the rise of the
Islamic State, whose beheading
videos and mass-killing attacks
peaked as Mr. Trump was seek-
ing the Republican nomination —
has spent little time addressing
the “radical Islamic extremism”
he once railed against.
And his tone on Wednesday
morning underscored how Mr.
Trump, who struggles to project
empathy, maintains an awkward
connection to the memory of an
epochal American tragedy.
“It’s bizarre seeing the tweets
that are completely off topic” on a
typically solemn day, said David
Lapan, a former aide to John F.
Kelly, the president’s second chief
of staff. “He just doesn’t seem to
get the significance of the event
to the people in the audience,”
which included survivors of the
attack on the Pentagon and rela-
tives of people who were killed.
He is “once again making it
about him,” Mr. Lapan said. “It
seemed completely out of place.
And then later in the remarks
resurrecting this whole Taliban
Mr. Trump did issue a stark
warning to terrorists, saying that
if they struck within the United
States again, “we will go wherev-
er they are and use power the

likes of which the United States
has never used before.”
“And I’m not even talking
about nuclear power,” Mr. Trump
It was unclear what other
“power” Mr. Trump might have
been referring to. But the threat
was notable in part because Mr.
Trump speaks far less often than
his two predecessors about the
threat of terrorism.
That is largely because for-
eign-inspired terrorists have not
executed an attack within the
United States since October 2017,
when an Islamic State sympa-
thizer drove a pickup truck down
a bike path in Lower Manhattan,
killing eight and injuring 11, and
attacks by Islamic radicals in
Europe have abated in recent
In place of terrorists inspired
by radical visions of Islam, Mr.
Trump has presided during a
surge in mass shootings by white
American men who subscribe to
racist and anti-Semitic ideology.
Mr. Trump vowed last month that
such “sinister ideologies must be
defeated,” but has barely reck-
oned with the charge that his

own language may have played a
role in their rise.
It was shortly after the Islamic
State-inspired shooting in San
Bernardino, Calif., which left 16
people dead in December 2015,
that Mr. Trump called for a “total
and complete shutdown of Mus-
lims entering the United States
until our country’s representa-
tives can figure out what the hell
is going on.”
After Mr. Trump won several
primaries that March, he told
supporters that it was the reac-
tion to the California massacre —
as well as to the killing of 130
people by the Islamic State in
Paris — that had vaulted him
ahead of his political rivals.
“Paris happened,” Mr. Trump
said. “And then we had a case in
Los Angeles,” he added, saying
that his “whole run took on a
whole new meaning.”
“And all of a sudden,” Mr.
Trump said, “the poll numbers
just shot up.”
“Trump positioned himself as
the toughest candidate on Mus-
lim extremism,” said Alex Co-
nant, an adviser to Senator
Marco Rubio of Florida, who also

sought the 2016 Republican
nomination. “It came to be a
contest about who can be the
toughest on terrorism. And
Trump became the toughest
because he said things that no-
body else could say.”
As a result, many terrorism
experts and some top officials of
the Obama administration pre-
dicted that a Trump presidency
would radicalize segments of the
country’s Muslim-American
population and produce still
more terrorist attacks. That has
not happened.
Meanwhile, Seth Jones, a
terrorism analyst at the Center
for Strategic and International
Studies, noted that the United
States military had largely de-
feated the Islamic State in Iraq
and Syria. Mr. Jones added that
Al Qaeda had recently focused
on regional conflicts in places
like Syria and Yemen.
Mr. Trump has filled the politi-
cal space by amplifying his warn-
ings about undocumented immi-
grants, said Juliette N. Kayyem,
a former Department of Home-
land Security official in the
Obama administration. Instead

of raising the specter of terrorist
attacks, Mr. Trump has warned
of hardened criminals and gang
members whom he calls “ani-
mals” illegally crossing the Mexi-
can border and terrorizing
peaceful communities.
“What Trump has done now is,
in the absence of a bunch of
attacks here that he can manipu-
late politically, he has created the
mythology of the undocumented
immigrant as terrorist,” Ms.
Kayyem said.
Through three Sept. 11 anni-
versaries as president, Mr.
Trump has dutifully attended
memorial events, but said little in
public about the group that exe-
cuted the attacks.
Although Mr. Trump is a native
New Yorker, his connection to
the attacks of that day has never
been particularly emotional.
Shortly after Sept. 11, Mr.
Trump said that if he were presi-
dent he would “take a hard line
on this,” and incorrectly added
that after the World Trade Cen-
ter’s collapse, one of his build-
ings became the city’s tallest. “To
be blunt, they were not great
buildings,” Mr. Trump told a

reporter several days later.
“They only became great upon
their demise last Tuesday.”
He did not visit the memorial
and museum where the World
Trade Center once stood until
April 2016, nearly five years after
it opened. After a relatively brief
tour, he decided not to hold the
news conference that aides had
discussed. He later told advisers
it was a mistake, according to
people familiar with the event.
And even as Mr. Trump called
for severe measures to prevent
terrorists from entering the
country, vowing to “bomb the hell
out of” the Islamic State, he also
capitalized on voter fatigue with
the seemingly endless war in
Afghanistan, rejecting the post-
Sept. 11 neoconservative vision
that had long dominated the
Republican Party.
“I will never send our finest
into battle unless necessary, and
I mean absolutely necessary, and
will only do so if we have a plan
for victory with a capital V,” Mr.
Trump said in an April 2016
speech. “The world must know
that we do not go abroad in
search of enemies.”

President Trump and his wife, Melania, on Wednesday. He recounted his 9/11 experiences, including an exaggerated account of how he assisted the recovery effort.


Eileen Sullivan contributed re-


At Pentagon, President Remembers the Sept. 11 Attacks in His Own Way


called for a ban, and Massachu-
setts and California are consider-
ing similar measures. San Fran-
cisco approved an e-cigarette ban
earlier this year, which Juul Labs,
the dominant seller in the United
States, is lobbying to reverse
through a ballot initiative.
Last year, the F.D.A. retreated
from a threat to prohibit the sale of
e-cigarettes as the increased rates
of teenage use took public health
experts by surprise. Public out-
rage stoked by accusations that
Juul Labs was deliberately target-
ing youths led the company to vol-
untarily stop shipping most fla-
vored pods, like mango and cu-
cumber, to thousands of retail loca-
tions around the country.
Agency officials had hoped that
making flavored products less ac-
cessible would reduce teenage use
of the popular devices, but instead
the latest figures show another in-
crease in youth vaping, Mr. Azar
said, after meeting with the presi-
dent on Wednesday.
Five million minors, mostly in
high school, reported that they
had used e-cigarettes recently, he
said. About one-quarter of the na-
tion’s high school students re-
ported vaping within the last 30
days in this year’s annual survey,
up from 20 percent last year.
Mr. Azar said that removing fla-
vor pods from stores just
prompted youths to shift from fruit
flavors to menthol and mint, which
were still available, rather than to
stop vaping altogether.
“What we’ve seen has been, and
it may be connected, a huge spik-
ing of children’s utilization of mint
and menthol e-cigarettes, which
remain, by all manufacturers,
available in retail stores,” he said.
The issue appeared to hit home

at the White House, where Mela-
nia Trump attended the meeting
with Mr. Azar, Dr. Ned Sharpless,
the acting F.D.A. commissioner
and the president. “She’s got a
son,” Mr. Trump said of their
teenage child, Barron. “She feels
very strongly about it,” he said.
Juul has repeatedly denied that
it aimed its products at minors,
but its sleek devices have become
more and more popular and are
easy to conceal. And even though
the company’s array of flavors
had disappeared from shelves,
they were still available online,
and a host of competitors
sprouted up with lookalike ver-
sions and similar flavors to fill the
vacuum. Juul had said that nearly
85 percent of its sales were from
mint and other flavors, and that its
decision to stop shipping them to
stores had dented their sales.
On Monday, the F.D.A. took ac-
tion against Juul, sending a warn-
ing letter accusing the company of
violating federal regulations by
promoting its vaping products as
a healthier option than cigarettes.
As for the agency’s decision to
prohibit most flavors, Ted Kwong,
a Juul spokesman, said the com-
pany would comply. “We strongly
agree with the need for aggressive
category-wide action on flavored
products,” he said.
Public health groups have long
clamored for strict curbs on e-cig-
arettes and flavors, especially be-
cause they worried that the soar-
ing use among youths was hook-
ing a new generation on nicotine
after decades of a decline in smok-
ing rates.
Matthew L. Myers, president of
the Campaign for Tobacco-Free
Kids, called the administration’s
decision “historic.”
“President Trump’s announce-
ment that the government will re-
move flavored e-cigarettes from

the market is an extraordinary
and necessary step,” he said.
“This is a public health crisis and
we cannot afford more delays in
confronting it.”
Harold Wimmer, president and
chief executive of the American
Lung Association, said the group
had long advocated removal of
products that appealed to teen-
“Flavors have been shown to
initiate kids to tobacco use and a
lifetime of addiction and tobacco-
related death and disease,” Mr.
Wimmer said.
Conservative organizations and
the vaping industry had earlier
joined forces to oppose other
F.D.A. proposals, including one
that sought to require retailers to
curb access to vaping devices,
pods and other paraphernalia to
keep them away from minors.
Since last fall, the agency has
been working on a plan to require
stores to sequester flavored e-cig-

arettes in areas off-limits to mi-
nors, but that had seemed to falter
as impractical and one that would
face significant legal hurdles. This
new announcement supersedes
that proposal.
Since Dr. Scott Gottlieb re-
signed as F.D.A. commissioner in
April, the agency had seemed
more sluggish in its efforts to con-
trol the epidemic of youth vaping.
Although Dr. Sharpless had said
he planned to continue the agen-
cy’s work to reduce both cigarette
and e-cigarette use, not much
moved forward. Dr. Gottlieb’s pro-
posal to ban menthol in cigarettes,
for example, has languished, as
has his call for reducing nicotine
in cigarettes to nonaddictive lev-
But as school began around the
country and the spate of illnesses
sparked fear nationwide, calls for
the F.D.A. to take stronger action
Senator Dick Durbin, Democrat

of Illinois and a longtime oppo-
nent of tobacco and e-cigarettes,
went so far last week as to warn
that he would seek Dr. Sharpless’s
resignation if the agency failed to
rid the market of e-cigarette fla-
Michael R. Bloomberg, the for-
mer mayor of New York, also de-
cided to weigh in this week by an-
nouncing a $160 million push to
ban flavored e-cigarettes.
In a statement on Tuesday, the
Vapor Technology Association, a
trade group, said it opposed a fla-
vor ban and essentially called the
efforts misguided.
“More than two million Ameri-
cans have died from cigarette
smoking-related illnesses over
the last five years,” the organiza-
tion said. “President Trump
shouldn’t follow the lead of San
Francisco, Mike Bloomberg and
the far left anti-business extre-
But there is little conclusive re-

search on the long-term safety of
using Juul or other e-cigarettes.
The company’s flavor pods have a
higher level of nicotine than ciga-
rettes do, which is of concern be-
cause of the impact nicotine can
have on the still-developing
teenage brain.
Doctors have said that many
patients suffering from acute lung
illnesses appear to have vaped
some THC or cannabis-related
products, although others have re-
ported using e-cigarettes as well.
No one has singled out a particu-
lar company, device or product as
the possible culprit.
Deaths have been reported in
Illinois, Kansas, California, Indi-
ana, Minnesota and Oregon. The
patients’ ages ranged from the 30s
to middle-aged or older, and some
had underlying lung or other con-
ditions, health officials said.
And while major e-cigarette
companies like Juul and vaping
groups have sought to distance
themselves from the increasing
public dismay at the reports of in-
creasing vaping-related illnesses,
some public health agencies are
urging a halt to use of the devices
and products.
The Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention have urged peo-
ple, especially nonsmokers and
teenagers, not to vape at all. And
the C.D.C. has even recommended
that cigarette smokers trying to
quit should consult a doctor rather
than take up e-cigarettes.
A House oversight panel has
asked Dr. Robert Redfield, the di-
rector of the C.D.C., to appear on
Sept. 24 to testify about the vap-
ing-related illnesses.
In New York, Governor Cuomo
directed state health officials to
subpoena companies that market
or sell so-called thickening
agents, which are sometimes add-
ed to illicit vaping products. A
state laboratory, which detected
the agents in vaping products col-
lected from New York’s patients,
found that they were nearly pure
vitamin E acetate oil, which offi-
cials have said is a potential cause
of some of the illnesses.

U.S. Planning to Ban

Flavored E-Cigarettes

From Page A1

Juul products on display at a store in Manhattan. The company is fighting a ban in San Francisco.


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