The New York Times - 12.09.2019

(nextflipdebug5) #1

It could be observed that Ms. Nonoo was
as warm and bright as sunshine winking off
a private pond, and that words delivered in
her crisp accent piled up like stacks of
freshly laundered percale pillowcases. She
was friendly and self-deprecating and
dressed in a shirt (the best-selling Hus-
band) and skirt (Billie) by Misha Nonoo
with luminous Lucite earrings she de-
scribed as “old Celine,” by which she meant
approximately one year old.
When a waiter appeared at her shoulder
in the thick of a thought, she cut herself off
midsentence and said, “I’m still working!”
in a way that sounded like a compliment, a
secret and a “Hello from the flight deck.” (“I
always have that fear when people try to
steal my food,” she said after the waiter re-
treated, then imitated a panicked sob: “ ‘I’m
still going!’ ”)
It was easy to see why anyone would
choose her for a friend. Here, in her own
words, is how Ms. Markle did:
“We met at a lunch Miami during Art Ba-

sel,” she said (then murmured, “I think this
is all pretty well documented”). “And we sat
down and we started, actually, right from
the get-go, talking about a shared passion
for equality, women’s empowerment and
our love of dogs.”
Pressed about the plausibility of two
strangers at Art Basel ——
“Well, we were at a lunch.”
—— of two strangers at a lunch at Art Ba-
sel spontaneously declaring their love for
equality, Ms. Nonoo said, “Well, we got
there pretty quickly, I’ll tell you that much!”
Could context explain how pleasantries
veered to equality? Asked what the party
was for ——
“Well, it was a — it was a seated lunch.”
—— Ms. Nonoo said she could not “re-
member exactly,” but suggested, “I guess if
you’re sitting next to somebody at a seated
lunch, there’s an opportunity to, kind of, get
a little deeper than at a cocktail party or
something where you’re, like, standing and
your feet hurt and you’re like, ‘Ooh, ooh,
where am I going next so my feet aren’t
hurting anymore?’ ” She and Ms. Markle,
she said, “were introduced through a mutu-
al, very close friend.”

MS. NONOO DATEDthis occurrence to around
“eight years ago,” though a 2015 post attrib-
uted to Ms. Markle on her deleted lifestyle
website, The Tig (accessible via archive),
recounted that the two had met the previ-
ous December. (“And by ‘met,’ I mean
danced the night away and sipped cocktails
with,’ ” Ms. Markle wrote, describing Ms.
Nonoo as “the kind of woman you instantly
Photos captured in Miami in 2014, sold
through Getty Images, reveal that both
women attended a nighttime beach party of
which one host was the founder of Soho
House. (Soho House’s London location is
the rumored site of Prince Harry and Ms.
Markle’s first date.)
Ms. Nonoo said she and Ms. Markle be-
gan discussing a Smart Works collabora-
tion “ages ago,” before the duchess’s formal
connection to the organization was an-
nounced. “Because of the friendship,” Ms.

Nonoo said, the idea “was a conversation
before it was, I think, fully formed.”
“She said, you know: ‘I am going to be-
come royal patron of a charity that I think is
right up your alley. It’s all about empow-
ering women. It’s all about professional
women, women getting back into the work
force, and I haven’t figured out what we’re
going to do yet, but I would really like for
you to be a part of what we do,’ ” Ms. Nonoo
said. “And I said, ‘Great!’ ”
Despite not having “a totally clear picture
of what I was agreeing to” — she didn’t see
the other designs in progress, or learn de-
tails of the release until later (“I had abso-
lutely no idea”) — she said she told Ms.
Markle, “I love you and I will absolutely do
“She’s such a consistent person, that you
can speak to her about personal things and,
you know, a work situation like this, all in
the same breath” Ms. Nonoo said.
In subsequent conversation, Ms. Markle
outlined the idea, and which items she
hoped to feature. She had famously worn
Ms. Nonoo’s signature piece — an oversize
white cotton shirt with stud buttons — at
her first official public appearance with
Prince Harry. “ ‘And I would like for you to
be the white shirt that’s a part of this,’ ” Ms.
Nonoo recalled her saying.
The shirt, they agreed, would have to be
“something that would work for a lot of dif-
ferent body shapes and sizes” and make the
wearer “feel good every single day when
they put this piece on.”
Ms. Nonoo said that the resulting gar-
ment is a cotton/spandex blend, priced
$125. She described the shirt as “more tai-
lored” and “really, really, really close to the
body” compared with the Husband, which
she admits some find “too oversized.” Her
monogram, MN, is embroidered on the
nape of the neck.

Ms. Nonoo characterized Ms. Markle’s
touch as light. “I think, really being the per-
son that she is, for each brand that she’s
working with, she’s really entrusted us,” she
said. “She’s not a micromanager; she’s not
that type of personality.”
The items will be available for “at least
two weeks,” according to a document pro-
vided by a royal communications officer.
Ms. Nonoo said that because each contribu-
tor will handle the sales of their designs in-
dividually, the shirt will be sold exclusively
on her website and in her New York City
pop-up store according to her standard
practice, by which pieces are manufactured
as they are ordered.
While Ms. Nonoo did not consult with the
other designers, “she,” she said, meaning
Ms. Markle, “was talking to everybody.”
“I was never concerned from a control as-
pect of the other pieces because ultimately
the filter was always going to be Megan’s
tastes, and I trusted that implicitly — and
the messaging — and that it would all be
right,” Ms. Nonoo said. The two discussed
the project “mainly when we were togeth-
er” in person; otherwise, “we’d text about
it,” she said.
“Obviously, my experience is different to
probably a lot of the other partners,” Ms.
Nonoo said. “All I can say is that she is the
most generous, the most genuine person.”

OVER THE COURSEof lunch, Ms. Nonoo em-
phasized repeatedly that her friendship
with Ms. Markle remains unchanged post-
royal wedding. Assuming Ms. Nonoo’s reli-
ability as narrator, this a minor miracle.
In the last two years, Ms. Nonoo’s friend
has moved from a major metropolis to a se-
cluded country home enclosed within a pri-
vate estate on the other side of the Atlantic
Ocean; replaced her job with what is essen-
tially a public commitment to perform docu-

mented acts of charity for the rest of her life
until precluded by grave infirmity or death;
likely undergone anti-kidnapping training;
remarried; become a person with no legal
last name who attends church services on
Christmas morning for a religion she con-
verted to only last year, and who then gives
a present directly to the queen of England;
given birth to a son; and deleted her Insta-
And yet, if anyone’s life shows evidence of
having been charmed and fortified by mi-
nor miracles, it is Misha Nonoo, inasmuch
as it can be considered a minor miracle to
find oneself marrying into a family of bil-
lionaires (her fiancé is Michael Hess, as in
the energy company); to pose with wet hair
for a picture on a yacht next to a smiling
Beatle (Paul) who is using one’s shoulder
for support as he stands on tippy toes; to be
continually blitzed with a caliber of adver-
tising that money cannot buy when a young
member of the British royal family wears
one’s designs frequently at public events;
and to have “recently stayed at a castle in
Italy,” but have the actual point of the sen-
tence be that it “may have been haunted.”
“Nothing changes,” Ms. Nonoo said at
one point with a laugh.
“From, you know, the handwritten thank-
you letters that you receive, to never miss-
ing a birthday, an occasion, checking in,”
she said. “You may think because some-
one’s so busy that they’re not there, but that
has never changed, how genuinely thought-
ful she is,” she said at another point.
“I’m sure people probably think, like,
‘Things must be so different!’ et cetera, et
cetera. ‘That must affect her friendships!’ ”
she said. “But all I can say is that from my
perspective, she has not changed as a
“From when I first met her, to a text that I
would send yesterday or today, nothing has
ever changed,” she said. “Nothing.”
Asked if their relationship had changed at
least logistically, a curtain fell over Ms.
Nonoo’s openness. “I definitely can’t speak
about logistics,” she said.

FOR THE MOST PART,however, she displayed
no more apprehension to speak about her
friend than occasional fleeting pauses be-
fore saying her name.
In fact, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex,
seemed to be one of the least off-limits top-
ics of the day.
By contrast, Ms. Nonoo refused to share
details about the size and location of her
Asked to say one thing about David Gef-
fen’s yacht, which she and her fiancé have
been depicted enjoying multiple times on
Mr. Geffen’s Instagram, Ms. Nonoo de-
murred. “I don’t think I can,” she said.
It is actually quite difficult to look some-
one in the eye and politely yet firmly refuse
to answer her question. It is harder, even,
than telling a breezy lie.
It requires a high tolerance for awkward-
ness and a steely nerve. It is a skill well
suited to those whose friends travel with
armed security teams.
And while this was, on the surface, a chat
about her princess friend’s fashion collabo-
ration for charity, it was also a conversation
fraught with tension, requiring, as it did,
Ms. Nonoo to appear to casually discuss the
terribly normal life of a woman whose ef-
forts at privacy, alongside her husband,
have caused national uproar in Britain.
Back at the headquarters of Ms. Nonoo’s
label, in the NoHo section of Manhattan, the
faultlessly polite designer betrayed a hint of
relief as the conversation wrapped.
Asked what she had been dreading, she
responded that her worries lay not in the
questions, but in her answers.
“It’s more about, you know, ‘Keep it to-
gether, Me! Don’t get all crazy and you say
something that you’re like, “Whew, I did not
mean to say that!”’ ” she said, and chuckled.
The collection is available now.


A Duchess and a Friend, Working Together

Far left, Meghan Markle and
Prince Harry at the Invictus
Games in 2017, their first
official outing as a couple. Left,
Ms. Markle and Misha Nonoo
in 2015 at the CFDA/Vogue
Fashion Fund Awards. Top, the
collar that was designed by the
duchess and Ms. Nonoo. Above,
the cuff.

‘She’s not a


Misha Nonoo

says of Meghan

Markle. ‘She’s

not that type

of personality.’




Social change follows its own timeline. It
was in the prehistoric 1990s that I began to
report on racial inequities in fashion serious
enough to attract the attention of the com-
missioner of consumer affairs in New York.
In stories I reported at the time, industry
players demonstrated a startling lack of
concern about the prevalence of racism so
entrenched that one top designer would
blithely note that while, of course, he cast
black models for his runway presentations,
it was only for summer collections. Their
skin tones, he said, set off the colorful
This was long before the formation of the
activist Black Girls Coalition and any num-
ber of later industry initiatives to rectify a
glaring imbalance between racial represen-
tation on fashion runways in relation to the
real world.
It would take decades to right a historic
wrong, and likely as not, it was market
forces that drove the push for diversity as
much as politics.
Yet there we were backstage at the Apollo
Theater on a beautiful Harlem evening, and
Zendaya, the onetime Disney child star
who, thanks to a career-defining role as a re-
covering teenage addict in the HBO series
“Euphoria’’ and an Instagram following
close to 62 million, has been transformed
into an unstoppable cultural phenomenon,
was extolling the advances made in repre-
sentation while noting problems left to
This was in advance of a cinematic street-
side spectacle — as much raucous block

party as runway show — for Tommy X Zen-
daya, a debut collection that Zendaya, 23,
designed for Tommy Hilfiger. “There is a lot
that needs fixing,” the actress said. “But
representation and inclusivity is always at
the forefront.” There are doors left to open
and doors to break down, she said: “Every-
one needs to feel seen and like they are part
of the fashion world.”
The validity of her assertion was easy
enough to gauge from the backstage mob
scene that included producers, makeup art-
ists, hairdressers, dressers, publicists, ca-
terers, manicurists, sound and lighting en-
gineers, and assorted hangers-on. The ra-
cial composition — and that of the body
types represented — inside the Apollo was
not radically different from that of 125th
Street, Harlem’s main thoroughfare. The

shift felt as welcome as it was long overdue.
“For years and years it was inevitable
that, when I came into a show, I was the only
black person in the room, including the
models,” said Kayla Fenwick, a makeup art-
ist, as she took a break from applying a
“halo eye” and matte brown lip to women
like the gorgeous Dominican stalwart
Lineisy Montero, the Jamaican breakout
star Tami Williams and Grace Bol, a South
Sudan beauty discovered at a mall in Kan-
sas City, Mo.
“Growing up, you never even knew a
black model could be in the industry,” Ms.
Williams said.
Though at 21, she would seem too young
to have experienced the negative effects of
racism in fashion, that is not the case. “Oh, it
has changed drastically in the five or six

years” since she first entered the business
as a coltish 15-year-old, she said. “It is much
more diverse now, but there can still be
more in terms of different shapes and sizes
and colors.” In fact, as Mr. Hilfiger would
note later, he had cast this particular show
with an emphasis on hiring models across a
range of body types.
Just then, the disembodied voice of the
seasoned show producer Alexandre de
Betak came over the loudspeaker calling for
rehearsal, and all thoughts of politics were
forgotten amid a model stampede.
“Girls!” Mr. de Betak said in his burred
French accent. “We’re only doing one run-
through, so I need you to focus! Look
happy! Look very up! Look right into the
cameras and smile. And, if the girl in front of
you is slow, don’t walk on her.”

Zendaya Seems to Be on Track to Change the World

Above left, Zendaya striding
behind Tommy Hilfiger, at
center, in the finale of the
Tommy X Zendaya show at the
Apollo Theater in Harlem.
Above, the set built for the
runway show there.



The star’s Tommy Hilfiger

collaboration is a platform for

speaking out about diversity.

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