2019-10-01 Wanderlust

(Ron) #1


wanderlust.co.uk October 2019 91



Phoebe Smith, Wanderlust
contributing editor, travel
writer and photographer
Standing in just two feet
of water I’m surrounded by sharks.
In the 25 degree heat the tepid
seawater feels chilling around my
ankles, but as I’ve been walking
across sand for the past 6.5km
the cooler temperature is most
welcome. I pull on my snorkel, turn

on my GoPro and minutes later am
­loating in a shiver of sharks.
There are not many hikes in the
world that you can begin with a
boat ride – where you’ll likely spy
mantas, dolphins and dugongs

  • stop for lunch and snorkel with
    sharks, then end with never-
    ending views of the Indian Ocean
    as your backdrop while pods of
    migrating humpbacks seemto
    follow you. In fact, there
    stroll like the new Walki
    the Whales hike on eart
    sequestered on the isla
    of Dirk Hartog, in Weste
    Australia, just a 40-minu
    boat ride or 20-minute
    hop from the tourist tra
    Monkey Mia.
    Take two days or four, s
    the only accommodatio
    the island – a family run
    lodge – and keep your e
    peeled for the reintrodu
    hare-wallabies (part of a ‘
    to 1616’ rewilding projec
    all without a single
    soul in sight. Just one
    thing – please keep it
    to yourself.


Join a unique
Murray Stewart,
author, Bradt Travel
Guides: Azores
The Camino de Santiago
has become a bucket list ‘must’ in
recent times, annually attracting
up to 200,000 pilgrims – religious,
spiritual or social. Those yearning
for a quieter ‘pilgrimage’ should
try the Camino Ignaciano,
a four-week trek from the Basque
Country to Catalonia in Northern
Spain. The walk follows the steps
of St Ignatius, the founder of the
Jesuits, who completed the route
in 1522. You won’t have the hordes
of fellow walkers to accompany
you but you will see some
impressive scenery along the way.
The updated Bradt Travel Guides:
Azores is out now.


Ed Stafford, explorer
Trench foot happens
when your feet are wet
all day and start to rot.
It can be totally debilitating. My
system when walking the Amazon
was to use a ‘foo-foo’ bag. It’s
a bag of medicated talc big enough
to allow you to put your entire
foot inside and massage powder
into every crevice. In the morning
Vaseline your feet and then put on
your toasty clean socks.
Expeditions Unpacked: What The
Great ExplorersTookInto The
Unknown (WhiteLionPublishing,
2019) is out now.

Shrink your food
to bitesize
Ed Byrne, comedian
If you’re planning
a long-distance
hike, my advice is
to get yourself a
food dehydrator
and prepare some
meals before you go.
Dehydrated meals
mean you’re carrying
far less weight than
you would otherwise,
however, pre-packed
freeze-dried fare
that you buy from
outdoors shops can
all begin to taste the
same after you’ve
been eating them for
a few days. You’d be
surprised how much
stu you can make at
home that will lend
itself to the process
of dehydration and
rehydration. Then, on
the day you plan to
eat a particular meal,
shove it into a wide-
mouth water bottle
with a bit of water in
the morning and by
the time dinner time
comes, all you have
to do is heat it up
for a minute or two,
which saves on fuel.
Bon appétit!
Ed is on his new If I’m
Honest tour now.

Peaceful path
Cregennan Lakes in
North Wales;
(right) walking the
Camino Ignaciano
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