Fotos: Julie Collins; iStockphoto, TARIK KIZILKAYA; Dirk Freder, molloyketh/iStock.com
Spotlight 11/2019 A DAY IN MY LIFE
i! My name is Bernie Shaw. I was born
in Tyabb, in the Australian state of Vic-
toria. I’m 57 years of age and a dentist for
a small community south of Brisbane.
My day is like this: I wake up around six
o’clock in the morning. The first thing I
need to do is feed my cat, because she’s
very bossy and loves her food. Then I do
some ironing and get myself ready for the
day at my dental surgery.
I’m only a 12-minute drive from work,
so it’s an easy, low-stress trip. I normally
see about 12 patients a day in my surgery.
I always have two helpers with me, two
dental assistants. One does the reception
desk and helps with the admin of the prac-
tice, and the other helps me chairside with
managing patients and treating them.
Most of my patients tend to be in the
older age brackets because I’m in a com-
munity with several retirement homes
and nursing homes around. So I do see
quite a few older patients. We like our
morning tea at our practice, so we always
stop for that and have a little snack. We
talk about the day ahead or things that
have happened personally in our lives.
We’re a small practice with three em-
ployees, and it’s good to help each other
age bracket
[(eIdZ )brÄkIt]
, Altersgruppe
bossy [(bQsi]
, herrschsüchtig
chairside [(tSeEsaId]
, am Behandlungsstuhl
clean [kli:n]
, hier: Zahnreinigung
dental surgery
[)dent&l (s§:dZEri]
, Zahnarztpraxis
elderly [(eldEli]
, älter, betagt
filling [(fIlIN]
, Zahnfüllung, Plombe
flattered [(flÄtEd]
, geschmeichelt
keen: be ~ to do sth.
, etw. unbedingt tun
lately [(leItli]
, in letzter Zeit
log cabin [)lQg (kÄbIn]
, Blockhaus-
meticulous [mE(tIkjUlEs]
, sorgfältig, übergenau
molar [(mEUlE]
, Backenzahn
pat: get the ~ [pÄt] ifml.
, hier: Schmuse-
einheiten bekommen
pearly whites
[)p§:li (waIts] ifml.
, Zähne
spoilt [spOI<]
, verwöhnt, verzogen
X-ray [(eks reI]
, Röntgenaufnahme
Caring for
your pearly
Ein Zahnarzt, der seine Katze, gute Bücher
und vor allem Zähne liebt. JULIE COLLINS
spricht mit ihm über seine kleine Praxis und
den Stellenwert, den Liebenswürdigkeit hat.
get through things. We always take an hour for lunch and I often
use this time to get some admin things done or letters written, or
I write e-mails that need to go out, and also feed myself. So, that’s
a good break during the day.
In the afternoon, I see six or seven patients before I go home at
five o’clock. Today, for example, I’ll be going to see my elderly par-
ents again on the way home to make sure they’re OK and have
a cup of tea with them. Then I go to my little log cabin home.
I love my home — that’s where I do my hobbies and other things
I enjoy. I like reading. I read a bit of psychology, as well as pho-
tography books and novels. I’m reading a novel by Mitch Albom
at the moment called The Five People You Meet in Heaven.
Then I’ll watch a few YouTubes. I’ve been particularly inter-
ested in [Canadian psychologist] Jordan Peterson lately and
have seen some of his YouTube videos. I also enjoy watching
photography and guitar YouTubes — those are my favourites.
Of course, my cat is next to me the whole time getting the pat;
she’s very well looked after and rather spoilt. Then I’ll retire for
the night at about 10 or 10.30.
Besides check-ups, cleans and X-rays, most of my appoint-
ments also involve fillings. I’m meticulous with my fillings, and
I rarely get any complaints from my patients. I’m really proud
of the work I do. I’ve been a dentist for 34 years, so I’m very ex-
perienced at taking out difficult teeth. Today, for example, after
lunch, I did a root canal for a patient. He had a toothache, and we
cleaned out the nerve in his lower molar. He was keen to keep
the tooth, so we did the first part of the root canal. That was a big
appointment, but he’ll be a lot happier tonight. He was in quite a
lot of pain last night and couldn’t sleep because of the toothache.
My favourite part of being a dentist is interacting with my pa-
tients. I like to run a happy practice, and I chat to my patients and
share a little story or two. And occasionally, a patient will have a
joke. That’s the best part: just getting to know people and helping
them in one little aspect of their lives. From time to time, a pa-
tient will bring me a card or flowers, or a chocolate or something.
I’m very flattered by the love and care that some of my patients
show me as their dentist.