You Tuber (2019-03)

(Antfer) #1
Ricky is a Texas-based video producer with
over 10 years of experience in online video
production and an expertise in creating
engaging and entertaining videos.

Make audiences CURIOUS. 
The curiosity gap, as described by Joanna Wiebe of
Copyhackers is, “the space between what we know
and what we want or even need to know.” People on
the internet are curious and craving entertainment
and information.
A good click-bait title should pose a question, and
the video should answer that question. Think of your
video as a reward to your audience clicking on the
video, not a punishment.

Manipulation VS Inspiration
Simon Sinek, author of the book “Start With Why:
How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action,”
says that, “There are only two ways to get people to act:
manipulate them or inspire them. Both are effective
strategies, but only one is capable of generating a sale
AND a lifetime of loyalty.” Your videos, regardless of
titles and thumbnail, should be something of substance
that a viewer wants to actually see MORE of. Your video
should inspire them to want to follow you more and
hear more of what you have to say. At the end of the
day, you want your viewers to turn into loyal followers
who know and trust the content you put online.

Use Click-bait Sparingly
In the same way that not every video can be a viral
video, not every piece of content needs to have a click-
bait title. Andre Meadows from the YouTube Channel

When it’s OK to Click-Bait

A curiosity gap compels potential viewers to click on
your video. Use the title and thumbnail to pose a
question that demands an answer.

Black Nerd Comedy once said at
a VidCon panel that he has two
types of videos: keepers and bring-
ers — videos that are intended
to keep his current audience and
videos that are intended to bring
in new audiences. No one can deny
that click-bait titles and thumbnails
work, but using them on EVERY
video kinda creates a boy who cried
wolf dynamic between you and
your audience.

Your title and thumbnail
SHOULD bait viewers in. People
should WANT to click on your
video. But you also need to follow
through on what they clicked on
your video for.

Simon Sinek claims that the only way to get people
to act is to manipulate them or to inspire them. One
of these options feels a lot more authentic than the
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