You Tuber (2019-03)

(Antfer) #1

Are your view counts much
higher than your comments? Think
about how you can make your
content more interactive and start
a conversation. 

Likes and Dislikes
YouTube also lets you see your
like-to-dislike ratio for each video,
which can tell you a lot about how
that video was received. Compare
your likes and views. How engaged
is your audience? If you have way
more views than likes or com-
ments, it could indicate that the
video is offering people something
the rest of your channel isn’t. 
Do you have a lot of dislikes but
the comments are mostly posi-
tive? It’s likely viewers got a bad
impression from the start of your
video, disliked it, and left, while
those who watched more enjoyed
it more. Find ways to include your
message and hook earlier on.

Endscreen stats
Card and endscreen stats can give
you an idea of which of your links
are being clicked, how often, and
where they lead.
Check out the Community Tab
if you make posts there — it may
have comments or simply show
your text posts and polls. 

Don’t neglect the Shares either!
These’ll tell you where your content
is being shared, which can lead you
to external sites full of reactions
to your videos you wouldn’t have
seen otherwise. I had one of my

videos shared to a site specifically for videos of people
getting slapped with various objects, so... you never
know what you may find!

There you have it! That should be enough to help you
wade through the murky waters of YouTube analytics
to find out how your channel’s doing. With most of
these categories, there is a “see more” option that will
give you more detail, but these are the basics needed
in order to navigate the numbers. 
Keeping track of these stats periodically and be-
ing aware of how they can change over time will do
wonders in helping you understand your channel
and your audience.

Understanding Your Channel Analytics

Keep comments enable on your videos unless you have a good reason
to turn them off. They are a great source of audience feedback.

Quinlyn Tesar is a daydream-adventurer equipped with reckless
optimism, an overactive imagination, and a camera.
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