You Tuber (2019-03)

(Antfer) #1

    It’s hard to get noticed without
    a little help. Post your videos to
    popular gaming fansites such as
    Reddit and NeoGAF. When getting
    your name out there, don’t spam
    — a sure way to turn off potential
    viewers and subscribers is to visit
    other channels to leave comments
    linking back to your own content.
    Instead, take a more holistic ap-
    proach and network with other
    creators through conventions and
    meet-ups for collaborative live
    streams and guest appearances.
    And always remind viewers to “like
    and subscribe” in every video.
    The Co-Optional Podcast has
    helped launch the career of many
    small YouTubers. Started by
    TotalBiscuit along with co-hosts
    Jesse Cox and Dodger, the podcast
    regularly features game develop-
    ers, small and big YouTubers,
    streamers, professional gamers
    and a variety of other guests.

By avoiding these common mis-
takes, you’re already on your way
to cultivating a successful channel
with a loyal audience. Don’t let
these beginner’s missteps hold
your channel back.

Robin works for One Mobile Projector per
Trainer, a non-profit that supplies aid orga-
nizations with video production training
and equipment to increase the impact of
their message.

6 Mistakes that New Gaming Channels Make (and how to avoid them)Make


The Co-Optional Podcast
Free download pdf