You Tuber (2019-03)

(Antfer) #1



From YouTube to the Classroom:

Expanding Your Educational Content

Educational videos can be a great resource in the online world, and they make for excellent con-
tent. If you’re passionate about education and spreading knowledge, however, you’ll want to take
your videos beyond the online space and get them directly into the classroom.

Video content in the classroom is
far from a new concept. “Reading
Rainbow,” “Magic School Bus” and
“Bill Nye the Science Guy” brought
educational content to a genera-
tion of students. As technology
continues to improve, this type of
content is more accessible than
ever before. It’s different than

just uploading a new video to YouTube, but the steps
below will put you on the right track.

Before you begin reaching out to schools and teach-
ers about using your educational videos in the class-
room, you need to know if they’ll even be allowed.
Each state has its own standards for what can (and
should) be taught at each grade level and this infor-
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