You Tuber (2019-03)

(Antfer) #1

experience successfully navigating
sponsorship deals.

  1. Not fully letting your view-
    ers know what content is being
    sponsored: You need to tell the
    audience about the brand and
    product for the sponsorship to be
    effective. Plus, the law requires
    that you disclose when a video is

  2. Selecting a sponsored product
    that doesn’t fit the channel’s audi-
    ence: This is bad for your chan-
    nel since it may appear as a mere
    money grab opportunity for the
    content creator. This could lead to
    backlash from an otherwise loyal

  3. Not fully engaging with the
    brand by not promoting the
    sponsored content via a creator’s
    other social platforms: Once a
    sponsored video is complete, make
    it more valuable to your sponsor by
    showcasing it on other platforms
    where your audience is active.

  4. Not following up with the brand
    and missing out on further op-
    portunities to be sponsored: This
    shows lack of enthusiasm and an
    unwillingness to support the spon-
    sors you’ve chosen to work with.

  5. Not delivering said content on
    time: By all means, don’t let this
    happen, but if it does notify the
    brand ASAP so if they have other
    content in play, they can make
    needed adjustments.

Getting that First Video Sponsorship

Marc Johnson is a University of Chico graduate, a lover of the
creative arts, and an avid photographer, with an undying entrepre-
neurial spirit.

Social Bluebook helps creators estimate the value that their channel of-
fers brands, making it easier to confidently negotiate with sponsors.

  1. Not being able to field questions from viewership
    about the sponsored product: Redirecting the ques-
    tion to the brand or getting someone of knowledge to
    reach out to the viewer and enhance that engagement
    opportunity easily combats this.

By now, it should be clear that negotiating spe-
cific terms for your sponsorship is key. With these
tips, you can avoid the most common sponsorship
mistakes and headaches and, in the end, create a
video that everybody is happy with. Hopefully, you
feel a bit more prepared to approach your own spon-
sorship opportunity and turn it into a win for the
brand, a win for you, and a win for your viewers.
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