1 Peak of early 2000s
10 Martin Sheen’s first
name at birth
15 Doesn’t honor
16 Blow away
17 “Let’s rock and roll!”
18 Actor Max von __
19 Verb that sounds
like a letter
20 Holders of leaves
22 Rank aboard the
Enterprise: Abbr.
23 Turbine blade
25 Moved, as a movie
27 “Claws” star __ Nash
31 Get choppers
32 One up, barely
36 Oozy substances
37 Prefix for “six”
38 Class with no struggles
39 Unwieldy thing
40 British boxer Khan
41 Album info
43 Talking points?
45 Role for which Liam got
an Oscar nod
46 Show ardor
48 Occupied
52 IPA, say
53 About 5, for coffee
57 Humanities degs.
58 Enjoy a season in a day,
60 Therapy subjects
62 Run onstage?
63 Wrap up
64 Judges
65 Duty for the bereaved
1 Patch plant
2 Nostalgi-cool?
3 Beginning
4 Pabst dispenser
5 Journey with strokes?
6 __ noire
7 Gobi locale
8 Search high and low
9 Apt eye rhyme for
10 Fight in the sticks
11 2019 Emmy nominee
12 Escaped
13 Polar environmental
14 Paper departments
21 Approached nightfall
24 In the world
26 Looney Tunes surname
28 Metaphorical margin of
29 Contents of some
30 Having only two
32 Fight over covers,
33 Citrusy flavor
34 “The only way to deal
with an unfree world is
to become so absolutely
free that your very __
is an act of rebellion”:
Camus (attributed)
35 Votes for
42 Succeeds to the max
44 Sri Lankan currency
47 Send to cloud nine
49 WWII sub
50 Gift list addressee
51 Cape Ann’s county
54 Nights before
55 Rapper Lil Uzi __
56 Singer Franklin,
Aretha’s elder sister
59 Opal, for one
61 Suffix with salt
BLISS By Harry Bliss
Every box will contain a number; numbers depend on the size of the grid. For a 6x6
puzzle, use Nos. 1-6. Do not repeat a number in any row or column. The numbers in each
heavily outlined set of squares must combine to produce the target number found in the
top left corner of the cage using the mathematical operation indicated. A number can be
repeated within a cage as long as it is not in the same row or column.
ARGYLE SWEATER By Scott Hilburn MARMADUKE By Brad & Paul Anderson
By Erik Agard © 2019 Tribune Content Agency
Edited By Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
SPEED BUMP By Dave Coverly
Aries(March 21-April 19):
If you want to be an insider
badly enough, you will be.
Act like the others who be-
long there. And know that
some groups are easier to in-
filtrate than others.
Taurus (April 20-May
20): Who makes you feel the
best about yourself? Do
more with this person. You
could use the confidence
Gemini(May 21-June 21):
Instead of reacting quickly
to today’s events, stay alert,
take notes and let the infor-
mation mature in your being
for a while.
Cancer(June 22-July 22):
It’s OK to ask people to do
things for you. In fact, serv-
ice endears both the served
and the server.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22):
There’s so much more to see
than anyone can in one life-
time. That won’t stop you
from trying.
Virgo(Aug. 23-Sept. 22):
Even if every person were in
the same place at the same
time, each would have a dif-
ferent version of the story.
Libra(Sept. 23-Oct. 23):
Others may be too shy or in-
curious to ask the questions
that get to clarity and deeper
meanings. Not you. You’ll
ask fantastic questions.
Scorpio(Oct. 24-Nov. 21):
The person who jumps in be-
fore you’re finished is being
rude. Be forgiving, but stand
up for yourself.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-
Dec. 21): Listening to freely
shared stories will definitely
give you a broader picture of
a situation.
Capricorn(Dec. 22-Jan.
19): You’ll imagine there is a
door between you and an-
other person, and you’ll re-
spect the privacy that such a
door represents by meta-
phorically knocking before
you enter.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb.
18): You’ll be dealing with
people who can’t function
optimally in a world they are
not the center of. It’s not you;
it’s them.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March
20): It doesn’t take a saint to
do saintly work. Raising
your own vibration by just
10% — that is to say being
10% more compassionate
and patient — will change
Today’s birthday(Sept.
7): You feel freer to do as you
please this trip around the
sun, and yet you will not take
that liberty for granted. With
exuberance and a willing-
ness to experiment and im-
provise, you’ll forge new
paths, express yourself and
attract friends and followers
along the way. Commit to re-
search and study in 2020.
Cancer and Scorpio adore
you. Your lucky numbers
are: 39, 2, 22, 18 and 40.
Holiday Mathis writes her
column for Creators
Syndicate Inc. The
horoscope should be read
for entertainment.
By Holiday Mathis
“Simple Saturday” col-
umns help aspiring players
improve technique and de-
velop logical thinking.
West leads a spade
against 3NT. Declarer puts
up dummy’s jack and follows
with a sneaky 10 from his
hand. Dummy leads a heart:
four, jack, king. What should
West do next?
If South has the bare king
of spades left, West can lay
down his ace. Otherwise, he
must hope East can get in for
a spade return.
West must rely on defen-
sive signals. On the first
spade East plays the eight, a
“count” signal to show an
even number of spades. De-
fenders normally signal “at-
titude” first — they encour-
age or discourage — but here
East’s “attitude” is evident
when he can’t beat the jack,
so “count” applies. (Also,
East’s four of hearts at Trick
Two showed an odd number:
five, presumably.)
West can see that South
is short of nine tricks unless
he has the ace of clubs. If
West returns a safe heart,
East will get in with the ace
of clubs later and lead a
spade for down at least one.
Question: You hold: ♠A
Q 7 6 3 ♥K 2 ♦8 7 ♣J 8 4 2.
Your partner opens one
heart, you respond one
spade and he bids two dia-
monds. The opponents
pass. What do you say?
Answer: This case is
close. If your jack of clubs
were the queen, you would
definitely have enough
strength to invite game and
would try 2NT. If partner
had anything extra, he
would bid again. As it is, your
hand is borderline for a
game invitation. I would set-
tle for a conservative return
to two hearts.
South dealer
Both sides vulnerable
♠J 9 2
♥Q 10 3
♦A Q 4
♣Q 7 6 3
♠A Q 7 6 3 ♠8 4
♥K 2 ♥9 8 7 6 4
♦8 7 ♦10 9 3
♣J 8 4 2 ♣A 10 9
♠K 10 5
♥A J 5
♦K J 6 5 2
♣K 5
1 NT Pass 3 NT All Pass
Opening lead — ♠ 6
Tribune Media Services
By Frank Stewart
Dear Amy:In this age of
“smart homes,” where
everything can be synched
up by an app with noti-
fications, are we wrong to
feel a loss of privacy?
I work from home, so I am
mainly at home during the
My husband gets alerts
every time the front door is
opened. If a package is deliv-
ered, he receives an image of
the package. He can track
the electricity usage from
our solar production. He can
turn off the lights and open
the skylight from his phone.
Today he texted me that I
shouldn’t be running the
dryer during certain peak
hours. He then shut it off re-
I have nothing to hide but
am increasingly annoyed
that my own actions are be-
ing tracked.
He’s micromanaging me
from afar!
How should I handle
Living in the Future
Dear Living:I wish people
were more aware of the po-
tential negative impact
these devices and systems
can have on our personal
lives and relationships.
Once you surrender your
privacy, and your freedom to
make choices, including
mistakes, without interfer-
ence, what do you have left?
An ongoing relationship
with Big Brother.
If you cannot persuade
your husband to respect
your privacy and detach
from you during the day,
then you should find a co-
working space, a coffee shop,
or a garden shed to work out
of to escape his surveillance.
Dear Amy:I’m a 30-year-
old woman who lives with
my boyfriend. I’ve had sev-
eral weddings in the past few
years for friends and family,
and I’m happy for all of
However, I am sick of at-
tending bridal showers
when the couple has lived to-
gether for years and is finan-
cially stable. It feels gift
grabby. Showers originated
for couples moving out of
their parents’ homes and liv-
ing with each other for the
first time — people “just
starting out” with empty
Showers also harken to
traditional gender roles — I
feel silly buying cooking
tools for “Lindsey’s shower”
when I know it’s her fiance
who does the cooking.
Am I being a curmud-
geon? Many of these couples
have lived together for years
in furnished homes, and
items will be used by both
the man and woman, yet ex-
pect only their female
friends (not males) to pro-
vide new domestic items. It
also is a gross reminder of
consumer culture wherein
people collect mounds of
junk they don’t need.
Fed Up
Dear Fed Up:If you don’t
attend a shower, you are not
obligated to send a gift (al-
though some people choose
to send gifts, regardless).
I agree with you about
consumer culture and gen-
der roles. However, when
you give a gift at a shower, it
is intended as a gift for both
parties (and not all showers
are cis-gendered affairs).
I also don’t think it is
up to you to decide whether
a couple “needs” dish towels
or a blender. Attend with
an open mind, or don’t at-
Some marrying couples
are getting creative about
showers; for couples who are
already well-equipped with
traditional shower-type
gifts, I love the idea of a
“charity shower,” where
guests are encouraged to
bring food, toiletries, school
backpacks to fill, or cash, for
a charity of the couple’s
Send questions to Amy
Dickinson by email to ask
[email protected].
Husband now Big Brother