The Architectural Review - 09.2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

'With Brunelleschi and Venturi Scott Brown

out front, Peter Oelsing in the living rooin

and Loos in the bathrooin, it is a veritable party,

albeit with Swiss I~estraint'

The architects envision
the communal laundry as
a part-time party venue,
the bank of washing
machines also serving
as a buffet table

Lutjens Padmanabhan
Project team
Oliver Lutjens, Thomas
Padmanabhan, Moritz
Hoernle, Hannah Klein,
Marine de Dardel,
Geraldine Recker, Julia
grosse Darrelmann,
Henrike Heuer, Andrea
Micanovic, Nadine Kaser
Cenoz, Luca Bazelli
Heleme Binet unless
otherwise stated
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