The Guardian - 07.09.2019

(Ann) #1

Section:GDN 1N PaGe:53 Edition Date:190907 Edition:01 Zone: Sent at 6/9/2019 11:24 cYanmaGentaYellowbl

Saturday 7 September 2019 The Guardian





Age 42


£24, 000




How I spend it


hen I was
younger I threw
myself into
the drugs and
dance scene. It
was a form of
escapism – although I grew up in a
very nice family, I felt like I didn’t
fi t in. I was always looking for an
escape through substances, partying
or travelling.
When I was 18 I left home for
university in Wales. I spent two
years of university living in a tent
in the Gower. I wanted to get away
from campus. Somehow I did end
up scraping through and I returned
home with an arts degree.
I worked in the hospitality
industry for 13 years; it suited my
lifestyle at the time. But, under
the radar, I was using substances.
Nobody noticed during all those late
nights as everyone was drinking.
However, when I was in my mid-
thirties I realised I needed to change
my lifestyle. I decided to study
psychodynamic counselling. I was
always interested in psychology

  • I think it stems from wanting to
    understand my family dynamics.
    I moved out of hospitality and
    worked for seven years running a
    tennis centre. I thought that hanging
    around healthy people might help
    me, but actually it didn’t work. I
    gave up my job and entered rehab. It
    was there that I was encouraged to
    try garden therapy.
    I’d always had gardens growing
    up. Actually, my garden was always a
    good indication of where I was with
    my wellbeing – if I felt good, it was
    buoyant and green. If I was partying
    hard, my garden was full of weeds
    and uncared for.
    I returned from therapy and was
    put in touch with the St Mungo’s
    scheme, Putting Down Roots,
    which teaches gardening skills to
    homeless people or those at risk of

We are keen
to hear how
you spend it:
maybe you’re
a “squeezed
middle” just
about coping
fi nancially;
a pensioner
working part
time; or a young
adult saving
furiously for
a home. If you
would like to
appear in this
column, contact

‘I got into substance abuse but now

help others with gardening therapy’

▲ Victoria
O’Dwyer has
been working as
a gardener and
trainer for 18


Approximate monthly cost of
Victoria’s rent and bills


How much Victoria spends on food
a week

I’m now a gardener and train er.
I’ve been in my role for 18 months
now and I love it. I enjoy helping
others who have found themselves
in a less preferable situation, and
being an example of that you can
actually pull yourself out.
I’m really lucky to be living by
myself in council housing. I can’t
imagine doing a houseshare at this
age. My rent is low compared with
other people – with bills, it comes to
about £600-£700 a month.
I spend about £80 a week on
food , and also grow my own. My
dream afternoon or evening after
work is coming home and picking
up a handful of spinach and some
tomatoes from my garden and
cooking it with some pasta. I do like
to spend money on good coff ee,
crackers and pasta.
I love to travel. In the past few
months I’ve driven over 1,000 miles
across California. I headed off on

I don’t drive it a huge amount I just
spend about £10 a week on petrol.
I’m starting to think about the
future. I put £100 month into a
pension scheme and my work
matches it. I have money set aside
for when my Mac goes down and
I squirrel money away so I’m not
surprised by a bill or card payment.
I feel more responsible now.
Before I rarely slept and was often
hanging on by a thread. I didn’t
have much confi dence. Now I work
really hard and my confi dence is
real confi dence.

St Mungo’s is one of the UK’s leading
homelessness charities. Each night
it provides housing and support to
2,800 people across London and
the south. It also helps thousands of
others with advice, welfare, skills and
work services.

As told to Suzanne Bearne

Christmas Day and spent two and a
half weeks in a transit van travelling
from San Francisco down the desert
then back to LA on my own. In the
past year I’ve also visited Berlin and
France. This year I’ll probably spend
about £5,000 on holidays.
When I recently passed my
driving test , I bought myself a car.
Lessons were a massive outlay but
I’ve got a little runaround now. As


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