Organizational Skills
“Describe your organizational skills.”
■“The first thing I do in the morning is check my list of
things I want to accomplish that day. I then prioritize them
according to urgency. I allow time for the unexpected, and
if all goes according to plan and I don’t use the extra time,
then I have time for the proactive things I like to do. Most
days my plan can be followed about 80 percent of the
time, but there are days when only 30 percent of the plan
gets done. I just prefer to have a plan.”
■“I really like technical toys. I have a Palm Pilot and a laptop
that serve me well in organizing my day as well as my life.
Once in a while I even carry around a ‘to do list’ as another
means of keeping me on track. If the day doesn’t go
according to the plan, then I reprioritize and do what didn’t
get done on the following day if possible. I have learned
that flexibility is essential to being well organized. I have
learned to roll with the punches so to speak.”
■“I have been responsible for planning many events that I
couldn’t have possibly done without being organized. I use
a word processing system and Excel spreadsheets to plan
my projects and to track the progress day to day. One of
my strongest skills is being organized and using the tools
necessary to be that way.”
“How well do you work with unorganized people?”
■“One of my favorite sayings is that ‘I can bring order to
chaos,’ and I have done just that. I have worked for many
bosses who were very disorganized. Once I started
showing them how they could track their activities on