Time Management
“How do you approach long-term projects?”
■“Fortunately I was taught early in my education how to
outline a project and segment it into parts. This has worked
extremely well for me in planning out longer-term
projects. I allow myself extra time because I know that
the unexpected is sure to be a factor in my plan. I almost
always have long-term projects finished weeks before
the due date so that I have time to review and rethink the
details before I submit them.”
■“Because I work well under pressure, I sometimes don’t
give long-term projects the time that I could. But I get a
certain rush from the pressure to succeed. I have never
missed a deadline—long term or short term. I am very ‘in
the moment’ when I work. One method that works well
for me is to keep a binder for each new project and add
ideas whenever I get them. I find this to be very helpful
when I do sit down to put it all together. I just piece the
ideas together and work full speed ahead.”
■“I use software spreadsheets to manage my long-term
projects. I break the project into equal segments and then
check off the tasks as I move through the schedule. This
has been very effective in coordinating projects with
others as well.”
“How would you describe your ability to manage
your time?”
■“I was always taught that ‘time is money’ and to value time
as such. I plan my day so that I know how much time each
task will require. If something gets cancelled, I use that time