Keeping Abreast of Current Business
“There have been a great many changes in this indus-
try in the past year. How have you kept up with the
latest industry news?”
■“Every day I take time to read journals and newspapers. I
guess you could call me a ‘newshound.’ I also have an
excellent memory for detail and can sometimes relate
something that I read to an event that occurred months
ago. I make sure that I am up-to-date with industry news.”
■“I find the Internet to be the most valuable tool out there.
It’s very easy to keep up with what’s new, and I can do it on
my own time. I’m a night owl and am often on the com-
puter into the wee hours of the morning reading up on the
latest trends and issues.”
■“Between the TV and radio news and reading various
newspapers and journals, I keep up to date on the industry
as well as the world news. Globalization makes it necessary
to reach beyond local issues. I spend a great deal of time in
my car and always listen to news programs on the radio.
Those shows allow me to hear snippets of news that I can
follow up on the Internet in the evening.”