- What are your strengths?
Perfect Phrase:“My strengths are my attitude and my
flexibility. I am known for my ability to get the job done;
done right; and done on time. I do whatever it takes to
fulfill my commitment to deliver.”
Note :By using the same phrase everybody else uses,
your words lose their impact. By making a more defi-
nite, stronger statement with some punch, your words
are more likely to impress.
- What are your weaknesses?
Perfect Phrase:“I usually have a wonderful memory
for details, but sometimes when I am in the middle of
several tasks, I have to stop and organize myself and
prioritize what has to be done. I make lists and do
spreadsheets so that I don’t miss any anything. This
really helps me remember important details as well as
the not-so-important details.”
Note:Tr y putting a positive spin on your weakness and
tell what you’ve learned or are learning to improve on
a weakness.
- What is your salary expectation?
Perfect Phrase:“When the time comes to talk money,
I am sure that we will come up with a mutually benefi-
cial amount. Could you tell me the range budgeted for
the position?”
Final Preparations