two words, it’s impossible to make a judgment as to whether
this person is the right person for the job.
Poor Phrase: “Yes, I have had experience in that area.”
Perfect Phrase:“I have over 10 years working with
biotech testing. If you were to ask any of my coworkers,
they would tell you that I hold the record for the least
number of mistakes when using testing equipment.”
- Talking too much—not getting to the point
When you fail to prepare for the interview, you can easily ram-
ble and go off the subject down some other road. A rule of
thumb is,“Your answers should be no longer than two to
three minutes long.”
Poor Phrase: “My last company has developed soft-
ware to support government enforcement of firearms
violators. This nationwide project will be the first of its
kind and will allow users to investigate firearms traf-
fickers and purchasers. The software is able to track vio-
lent offenders and unscrupulous federal firearms
licensees. This product will allow users to investigate
and prosecute violators and felons by tracking their
activities from remote locations. The product has been
developed in cooperation with the U.S. government
and will hopefully be purchased and used by all
branches of law enforcement agencies that could use
this tracking method. The company has invested over
Perfect Phrases for the Perfect Interview