two years in developing and perfecting this product
and has invested a great percentage of the company’s
revenue in it, betting that this is going to have a big
payoff long term. Short term it has put a considerable
squeeze on the finances needed to run everyday work
projects. If it is successful, it will be a huge coup for
those who have hung in there. If it is not successful, it
will be a huge loss to the company and will probably
result in massive layoffs. So the whole project is going
to make or break the company and it’s future.”
Perfect Phrase:“At my last company I served as lead in
getting a new tracking product launched nationwide.
The product will be used to track firearms violators and
bring them to conviction through evidence collected. I
worked closely with the U.S. government and followed
the regulations necessary to develop such a product.”
Preparing for Follow-Up Questions
As you put together your phrases, always try to think of any
follow-up questions you might be asked. Of course, you would
never use a word or say a phrase just to impress your inter-
viewer without knowing the definition behind the word. You
should also never use a phrase unless you have an example to
back up the word or phrase. When you can communicate to
the interviewer a specific example regarding skills you used in
the past, you will have a better chance of convincing him or
her that you are knowledgeable about the subject you are
Getting Ready for the Interview