letting people there know that I understood their
expectations, I was able to influence them into buying
our entire system.”
■“My writing ability has allowed me to present the facts,
but it also gives me an opportunity to present ideas
within my own framework. I worked with a team of
graphic designers to create the Web site for our company.
Although the design was very important, the words I
wrote blended to make a complete and important
message. The site has been recognized as one of the top
Web sites in the industry.”
“Can you give me an example of a major project
you worked on that involved communication and
■“Last year I was put in charge of developing a monthly
newsletter for the administrative support types in the
company. This was my first experience at putting together
a publication from start to finish. The first thing I did was
consult with people in the company who had written
similar publications. From what they told me, I was able
to get a sense of what people liked and didn’t like. I inter-
viewed everyone from the guys in the mailroom to the
CEO and wrote articles about them. I also came up with a
clever format that included a writing contest with a prize
for the best story. The best part was that people got their
story published in the next edition of the newsletter. My
idea really sparked a lot of interest and enthusiasm and
allowed me to share the writing with others. The newslet-
ter was a big success among the intended audience. I even
received an award for the best internal newsletter.”