Problem Solving
“How would you describe your problem-solving
■“I have a process that I go through when solving problems
—evaluate, explore, research, prepare, and perform. It has
helped me through many a tough problem.”
■“If you were to ask my last boss, he would tell you that
I thrive on problems and coming up with solutions,
particularly problems that involve money. I’ve always been
good with numbers and I am very particular about
attention to detail.”
■“At work they call me, ‘Mr. Problem Solver.’ I am the one
who everyone comes to when no one else can figure out
the problem with his or her computer or a system. I like
working with people, so I try to make myself available
whenever possible.”
“Tell me about a time when you solved a problem
at work.”
■“On one of my past jobs I was able to detect a pattern of
events and could see where the problem was occurring. I
immediately worked with the engineering department to
solve the problem that turned out to be a leak that was
causing irregular test results. Working together, we were
able to come up with a solution. No one had thought to
look for a pattern, and it would have probably gone on for
quite a while before anyone had noticed the problem.”
■“I recently had an experience where I analyzed some
information that had been used for years and found it
to be totally inefficient. By presenting a new format and