
(Amelia) #1

tures and discipline of staff. I think decision-making comes
with the territory of more responsibility. I know I have what
it takes to use sound judgment when it comes to deci-
■“This was exactly the case in my last job. I was left in charge
while my boss did project consulting. I had to learn how to
make decisions to survive in that job. I have done the job
for more than two years now and feel it has been a great
training ground for this job. Decisions are often a matter of
knowing whom to consult before taking action.”
■“Since an early age, I have had a good head on my shoul-
ders for making decisions. I showed that I could be trusted
in my last company. Even though I don’t want to stay there
anymore, I know I have been highly thought of because of
my sound judgment.”

“Have you ever made the wrong decision about a

■“I wish I could say that I never made a wrong decision, but I
would be lying. I have had to make quick decisions on
many projects and have made some without the proper
information. In one case it did delay the shipment of an
important order, and that subsequently cost the company
extra dollars. I can tell you that every time I’ve ever made a
mistake I’ve also learned a valuable lesson. I have had
enough experience to know how to avoid most of the mis-
takes involved in this line of work.”
■“Unfortunately, I made some wrong decisions on predict-
ing investments, especially in the early years of my career.
I did not allow for the unexpected and got caught short
more than once. Through experience in dealing with the

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