by contributing a portion of their payments to their
favorite charity. Because it was the holiday season, people
were more into helping others. Senior managers agreed to
the idea because they could write off the contribution. It
was implemented with an announcement to card holders
and met with a surprising 10 percent increase in on-time
payments. Everybody won on that venture.”
“When I say the word ‘initiative,’ what is the first
thought that comes into your mind.”
■“The first thought that I have is ‘stepping up to the plate.’
As both a team player and a sports fan I can relate to the
concept of taking a turn at bat. I have stepped up to the
bat and even hit a few ‘home runs’ with successful ideas
during my five years as a marketing analyst.”
■“‘Action’ is the first word that comes to mind. In order to
take the initiative, you have to be willing to take a risk, and
that usually involves doing something. I am the type of
person who is a ‘doer.’ It’s one thing to have an idea, but a
company has to have an equal number of ‘doers’ in order
to get the job done.”
■“I think of ‘above and beyond.’ Not just doing what is
expected but taking whatever actions are necessary to get
the job done, and done right. If you were to ask my boss, he
would tell you that he is always pleased with my ability to
take the initiative and to follow through until the action is
“Would you still take the initiative on a project if you
knew you weren’t going to be recognized for it?”
■“My rewards are fulfilling my values. One of my top values