
(singke) #1

Goals in this section can be used with any employee who
has direct contact with customers (both internal and exter-
nal), who is involved in enhancing customer experience,
or who supervises or manages employees who have direct
customer contact.

Customer Communication

■Conduct monthly customer focus groups that yield at
least one customer service improvement tactic each.
■Develop and implement customer feedback system by
■Notify customers of changes in service call timing 100%
of time.
■Design and write clear and understandable product
manuals, as measured by customer feedback.
■Inform other employees in contact with customer of
previous conversations with that customer and the his-
tory of the situation.
■Ensure that no customer needs to repeat his or her
information during ordering/support call.
■Contact each customer at least 30 days before expira-
tion of contract to negotiate renewal.
■Contact product purchasers within 30 days of purchase
to discuss service agreement options.

Customer Satisfaction/Retention

■Maintain rating of at least 3 in customer surveys.
■Maintain a minimum of 90% customers returning to store.
■Receive no more than two customer complaints validated
by manager per year.
■Receive no more than three customer requests per year to
assign different staff member.

Customer Service and Support

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