
(singke) #1

■Reduce time that customers spend on hold by 10%.
■Reduce merchandise returns from present level storewide.
■Accurately plan customer service loads to reduce over-
time to less than 2% of total hours worked.
■Implement a system of employee recognition (for superi-
or customer service) that majority of employees endorse.

Customer Service Quality

■Maintain at least 95% of items as “in stock” for any given
■Reduce checkout wait time to an average of five minutes.
■Price items so every item on shelf has price sticker/UPC.
■Fulfill all orders the same day as received.
■Process refunds without invention/help of supervisor.
■Route phone calls to proper person 98% of the time.
■Solve customer problems in single phone call 90% of the
■Identify and report to superior any slowdowns in provid-
ing customer service.
■Provide at least two possible options for purchase to each
■Fulfill promises to customers 100% of time or notify them
of changes.
■Provide job quotes that are no more than 10% off final
■Answer all calls professionally, using proper phone eti-
■Handle customer complaints without supervisor interven-
tion 90% of time.
■Maintain abandoned call levels to 4% of total calls.
■Do not interfere with overall customer service team per-
formance as measured by comments from other team

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