■Prepare hardware procurement budgets that are
approved without modification by the CFO.
■Ensure that total cost of purchased equipment for the
year is within budget.
■Negotiate supplier contracts to balance cost versus quali-
ty of equipment.
■Review and approve cost estimates for capital expendi-
tures prepared by direct reports.
■Contact each division manager at least once every two
months to determine levels of satisfaction with supplied
resources and to project/identify future needs.
■Ensure that other divisions use key suppliers to take
advantage of negotiated discounts/cost savings.
Results Management
■Reduce reliance on paper files within total organization by
creating document management system by June 2005.
■Contribute to overall “white-collar” productivity improve-
ment by 2% this year.
■Ensure that zero purchases are necessary that result from
inadequate equipment maintenance.
■Reduce operations staff overtime by 15% this year.
■Improve job processing throughput by 10% without
incurring additional costs.
■Ensure that 85% of users are satisfied that interactive
response time is adequate.
■Prepare annual report for senior executives outlining major
activities and costs and benefits of each of those activities.
■Eliminate data losses resulting from computer viruses.
■Consult with managers to reduce computer theft by 50%
this year.
See also: Information Technology: Software—Management,
Information Technology: Hardware and Operations