
(singke) #1


■Provide basic training to customers on accessing and
using computer network.
■Set up accounts for users within three hours of receiving
■Notify job/process owners when jobs are going to be
delayed more than one hour.
■Collect information from computer users at least once a
year on possible enhancements to the network.

Data and Hardware Security

■Monitor networks and report any attempts at unautho-
rized system access to security within 24 hours of
■Develop and implement corporate strategy for reducing
junk e-mail by 50% by December 2004.
■Reduce incidence of virus infection on corporate comput-
ers to no more than one per year.
■Advise users on safe computing practices to prevent virus
■Ensure that all systems passwords for all users are at least
nine alphanumeric characters.
■Develop and communicate procedures to ensure that
each computer can be accessed by computer owner only.
■Secure network servers so only authorized personnel have
physical access.
■Carry out security audits without disrupting regular busi-
ness processes according to department managers.
■Reduce theft of computer equipment within company to
less than $1,000 per year.
■With human resources develop policy on acceptable use
of computer resources by December 2004.
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