
(singke) #1

■Complete monthly computer/internet access audits to
identify any possible violations of acceptable use policy.

Maintenance and Operations

■Ensure that unplanned network downtime is limited to no
more than once every two months.
■Schedule all planned downtime to occur after regular
work day.
■Maintain existing desktop PCs so no employee is without
computer access for more than one working day.
■Notify systems staff within one hour of failure of sched-
uled computer runs.
■Prioritize requests for computer maintenance to reflect
relative business-case priorities.
■Reduce job reruns due to operator error to no more than
one per week.
■Monitor and maintain computing environment so zero
shutdowns are required per month due to temperature or
other environmental issues.
■Participate in and advise energy management group on
possible strategies to reduce computer-related energy
■Maintain network cables and wiring so there is no more
than one network problem per two months attributable
to cabling.
■Report computer usage statistics to each departmental
manager within 10 days of end of each month.
■Reduce user complaints about delays or slowdowns on
network to no more than one per month.
■Monitor and report on corporate use of Internet and rec-
ommend best strategies to maintain effective high-speed
access for users.

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