■Design technical tools for department use that reduces
the time required to perform the “business as usual” tasks
by 10%.
■Review vendor software to determine its fit for use within
the system.
■Deliver program code to production at least 98% bug-
■Create 100 lines of program code per day.
■Provide programming effort estimates within 10% of
actuals to facilitate the scheduling of project tasks.
■Identify major system components to facilitate the esti-
mation of time required to test system upgrade or single
■Analyze software defects to detect patterns that help dis-
cern system problems so that system solutions can be
implemented in a timely manner.
■Apply the various test types appropriate to each phase of
the system development life cycle.
■Input appropriate test data with which to test the system
with fewer than five entry errors.
■Test system with sufficient detail so that the system does
not have any major problems when it is implemented.
■Attend to detail so that each system defect is recorded
and retested until it is resolved.
■Categorize each system defect so that “showstoppers” are
addressed before minor problems.
■Document results so that testing progress can be deter-
mined in regard to timeliness, number of defects found,
number of defects resolved, number of defects retested,