■Develop and implement innovative cost-cutting pro-
grams for work unit.
■Contribute to cost-control team by developing compa-
ny-wide cost-control strategies.
■Limit ratio of operating costs to sales to 10%.
■Partnering with auditors, identify possible unnecessary
■Partnering with corporate managers, identify areas of
redundant or overlapping responsibilities and unneces-
sary spending.
■With other division managers, identify possible cost
savings by using outsourcing and prepare recommen-
■With other division managers, identify functions that
may be grouped together (centralized) to yield cost
■Implement and evaluate cost-control strategies man-
dated by company and present monthly reports to
project head.
■Develop and implement a plan to identify cost over-
runs before they occur.
■Reduce total project cost overruns to a maximum of 4%
of budgeted value.
■Manage employee suggestion system to increase total
saving from suggestions to 5% of operational budget
or $75,000.
■Reduce overtime payments to no more than 4% of total
labor/salary costs.
■Reduce total overtime hours by 25%.
■Stabilize profit levels to limit layoffs to 2% of total work-
force per year.